Application Programming Interfaces

A FHIR Future Burns Brightly for Population Health Management

by Jennifer Bresnick

In most cases, and across most industries, data standards get little respect.  For some reason, their endlessly, hopelessly dense documentation detailing the minutia of splicing together millions of lines of complex code don’t...

HSPC Interoperability Project Tackles HIE with FHIR, App Culture

by Jennifer Bresnick

CommonWell, Carequality, and the Argonaut Project may be the names that first spring to mind when discussing the healthcare industry’s private interoperability efforts, but the Healthcare Services...

Can FHIR Spark Health Information Exchange, Interoperability?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Health information exchange in the United Sates may suffer from chronic fragmentation, data duplication, misinterpretation, ambiguity, and disunity, but there’s one thing nearly all providers can...