Chronic Disease Prevention

Pop Health Data Models Refine Chronic Disease Prevention, Screening

by Erin McNemar, MPA

In a recent study, researchers used population health strategies to examine changes in human papillomavirus (HPV)-based cervical screening modalities as HPV vaccination becomes more widespread,...

Genomics Reveals New Path for Chronic Kidney Disease Prevention

by Erin McNemar, MPA

In a new study from Indiana University School of Medicine, a team of researchers and scientists have used genomics to discover alternative ways to treat kidney infections, increasing chronic kidney...

Eye Protein Biomarkers Show Potential for Precision Medicine

by Jill McKeon

Minimally invasive liquid biopsies can reveal proteomic cancer biomarkers associated with metastatic disease earlier and safer than direct tumor biopsies, showing potential for precision medicine...

Artificial Intelligence Enables New Colonoscopy Screening Method

by Jill McKeon

A new computer-aided polyp detection (CADe) tool powered by artificial intelligence will be used for colonoscopy procedures at Ohio State University, enabling early detection of colorectal cancer,...

Social Determinants Reveal Racial Disparities in Heart Disease Risk

by Jill McKeon

A study presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 70th Annual Scientific Session revealed that social determinants of health may contribute to racial disparities in heart...

Majority of COVID-19 Hospitalizations Due to 4 Chronic Diseases

by Jessica Kent

Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and heart failure are the chronic diseases that contribute to a majority of adult COVID-19 hospitalizations across the country, a study published in the Journal of the...

Machine Learning Uncovers Link Between Diet, Chronic Disease Risk

by Jessica Kent

A machine learning algorithm may be able to inform clinicians how food intake influences chronic disease risk. A team from the Harvard T.H. School of Public Health, together with researchers from...

Researchers Discover Genetic Markers Associated with Bone Growth

by Jessica Kent

Genetic markers related to mineral bone accrual could help providers identify younger patients at risk of fractures in later life, according to a study published in Genome Biology. Osteoporosis is a...

Real-Time Data Analytics Critical for Improving Heart Health

by Jessica Kent

Real-time data analytics and partnerships between researchers and healthcare providers will help boost heart health, according to a report published in Circulation by the American Heart Association...

Machine Learning Scans Retinal Images to Predict Alzheimer’s Disease

by Jessica Kent

Machine learning tools can analyze certain types of retinal images to identify Alzheimer’s disease in symptomatic individuals, according to a study published in the British Journal of...

Predictive Analytics Detects Genes That Accelerate Cancer Progression

by Jessica Kent

Using a predictive analytics tool, researchers from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) were able to discover previously undetected genes that drive cancer progression, according to a study...

UCSF Aims to Apply Precision Medicine Techniques to Diabetes

by Jessica Kent

UC San Francisco (UCSF) is using a $1 million grant to build a first-of-its-kind diagnostic center that will aim to use precision medicine methods to find targeted therapies for type 1 diabetes. The...

New Device Could Facilitate Precision Medicine for Eye Diseases

by Jessica Kent

A new tool designed to collect eye fluid samples could help providers develop specific treatment plans for patients, facilitating precision medicine for eye diseases. Researchers from the University...

Artificial Intelligence May Predict Osteoarthritis Years Before Onset

by Jessica Kent

An artificial intelligence algorithm can detect subtle signs of osteoarthritis in MRI scans, years before symptoms of the condition even begin. Researchers at University of Pittsburgh School of...

Applying Artificial Intelligence to Chronic Disease Management

by Jessica Kent

When it comes to healthcare, it seems Americans spend more to receive less. An aging population, expensive pharmaceuticals, and administrative waste result in sky-high medical costs, while health outcomes remain poorer than those in other...

Racial Disparities Persist in Heart Disease Deaths, Outcomes

by Jessica Kent

Heart failure and hypertensive heart disease deaths are increasing among black men and women despite advances in heart disease management, highlighting persistent racial disparities that should be...

Predictive Analytics Models Detect Alzheimer’s-Protecting Protein

by Jessica Kent

A team from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Emory University, and other collaborating institutions used predictive analytics models to discover a protein known as VGF, which protects the...

Calculator Uses Predictive Analytics to Forecast Stroke Risk

by Jessica Kent

A predictive analytics tool can accurately forecast patients’ risk of ischemic stroke based on the severity of their metabolic syndrome, a collection of conditions that includes high blood...

How Big Data Analytics Models Can Impact Healthcare Decision-Making

by Jessica Kent

In healthcare, providers and lawmakers are faced with the task of making the best possible decisions for patients and the industry as a whole. From choosing the best treatments, to determining the most...

3 Ways Predictive Analytics is Advancing the Healthcare Industry

by Jessica Kent

As the healthcare industry has increasingly aimed to deliver proactive, quality care, predictive analytics models have emerged as viable tools for improving outcomes and cutting costs. From mapping...