Data Integrity

93% of Healthcare Execs Seeking Improved Data Analytics, CDI

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare organizations looking to improve the quality of their data assets are actively seeking ways to leverage data for clinical analytics and population health management, according to a new poll...

5 Steps for Planning a Healthcare Artificial Intelligence Project

by Jennifer Bresnick

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are quickly overhauling the processes of researching, purchasing, and implemented IT tools in the healthcare industry.  With new breakthroughs announced almost every day and thousands of...

EHR Natural Language Processing Errors Bring Patient Safety Concerns

by Jennifer Bresnick

Speech recognition software that leverages natural language processing (NLP) to create clinical documentation has become increasingly popular among EHR users, but the potential for errors that lead to...

The Sequoia Project Updates Patient Matching Framework

by Jessica Kent

Improving data integrity, standardizing electronic health record (EHR) practices, and enhancing workflows will reduce the number and severity of patient matching issues, according to a recently...

Challenges of Developing and Deploying AI in Healthcare

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare is on the edge of entering the era of artificial intelligence.  As machine learning, deep learning, and other aspects of AI start to mature, they bring nearly endless possibilities to...

AHIMA Releases New Clinical Documentation Improvement Toolkits

by Jessica Kent

AHIMA has released two new clinical documentation improvement (CDI) toolkits on outpatient documentation and denials management to support the exchange of complete and accurate data across the care...

Patient Matching Issues Stem from Poor Data Standardization

by Jessica Kent

Poor data standardization can result in incomplete and inaccurate data collection, patient matching issues, and slower organizational workflows, according to a study published in AHIMA’s...

AHIMA: More Organizations Embrace Information Governance

by Jessica Kent

More organizations are implementing information governance (IG) strategies as they increasingly understand that accurate, reliable data will allow them to succeed in the changing healthcare landscape,...

ONC Focuses on Data Governance with Patient Matching Framework

by Jennifer Bresnick

The Office of the National Coordinator, in conjunction with CMMI institute, has released a new patient identification and patient matching framework to help ensure accurate care across an increasingly...

Navigating the Hype of Healthcare Artificial Intelligence Companies

by Jennifer Bresnick

Few phrases in the healthcare IT world conjure up quite as much excitement as “artificial intelligence.”  Sweeping through vendor marketing teams like a tidal wave of opportunity, nearly every technology company has at...

56% of Hospitals Lack Big Data Governance, Analytics Plans

by Jennifer Bresnick

Despite growing excitement and high investment in big data analytics to support ongoing innovation in healthcare, long-term planning and data governance are not a very strong suit for the majority of...

Top 10 Challenges of Big Data Analytics in Healthcare

by Jennifer Bresnick

Big data analytics is turning out to be one of the toughest undertakings in recent memory for the healthcare industry.  Providers who have barely come to grips with putting data into their...

93% of Payers, Providers Say Predictive Analytics are the Future

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare organizations will not be able to navigate the financial and clinical challenges of the future without investing in predictive analytics tools, said more than 90 percent of respondents to a...

New Medical Scribe Exam Keeps an Eye on EHR Data Integrity

by Jennifer Bresnick

A new national certification program for medical scribes will help to guide the growth of a profession that has seen a massive surge in demand since the advent of the electronic health record. Medical...

ONC Offers $75K for Better EHR Patient Matching Algorithms

by Jennifer Bresnick

The Office of the National Coordinator is intensifying its focus on patient identification and patient matching by offering up to $75,000 in prize money for the best new tool to ensure that EHR data is...

APIs, EHR Data Integrity, Patient Access Key to Value-Based Care

by Jennifer Bresnick

Before providers can truly embrace value-based care, they must focus on making some significant improvements to the healthcare industry’s basic electronic health record ecosystem, states the...

Google DeepMind: Blockchain Can Ensure Health Data Integrity

by Jennifer Bresnick

When healthcare experts talk about data integrity, they’re not just thinking about whether or not the original authors filled in all the fields and ticked all the boxes.  They are talking...

Alarm Fatigue, Health IT Woes Top ECRI 2017 Patient Safety List

by Jennifer Bresnick

Alarm fatigue, software and monitoring errors, and inadequate cleaning and processing of reusable medical devices once again reign on ECRI Institute’s annual patient safety hazard...

CPT, SNOMED-CT Codes Ally to Boost Healthcare Data Integrity

by Jennifer Bresnick

The American Medical Association and the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) are engaging in a new collaborative agreement that will result in increased data...

AHIMA: Information Governance is Key for Trusted Healthcare Analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

Implementing a robust and comprehensive information governance framework across the healthcare organization is the first step to success in a value-based word that demands trusted, accurate, and timely...