Data Standards

UnitedHealth Group Invests $8.25M in Data Science Education

by Jessica Kent

UnitedHealth Group has partnered with Atlanta University Center Consortium (AUCC), the largest and oldest consortium of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), for a five-year, $8.25...

5 Ways to Ethically Use Social Determinants of Health Data

by Jessica Kent

Organizations will have to adopt ethical standards in order to effectively collect and address individuals’ social determinants of health data, according to a group of stakeholders led by the...

Collecting Social Determinants Data with Communication, Data Sharing

by Jessica Kent

By now, it seems that every player in the healthcare industry recognizes the impact social determinants have on overall health. The circumstances in which individuals live, work, and play have a...

Lack of Data Standards Hinders Patient Matching Improvements

by Jessica Kent

Healthcare executives believe that a lack of data standards and costs of solutions are major impediments to improved patient matching, according to a report from the Pew Charitable Trusts. Healthcare...

Data Standards, Security Key to Healthcare Interoperability

by Jessica Kent

Data standards, security and privacy requirements, and advanced health IT systems are critical to achieve full healthcare interoperability, according to a report from the Hospital Agenda for...

EHR Demographic Data Standards Could Improve Patient Matching

by Jessica Kent

Healthcare organizations should work to adopt more standardized methods of inputting demographic data into the EHR to ensure accurate patient matching, according to a recent report from the Government...

ONC Releases 2019 Health Data Interoperability Standards Advisory

by Jessica Kent

ONC has released the 2019 Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA), which includes updated standards and implementation specifications to address health data exchange needs. In a recent blog post,...

AMIA Backs NIH Data Sharing Policy, Calls for Phased Implementation

by Jessica Kent

The American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) has issued comments in support of an expansive update to NIH’s data sharing policy, and recommended a phased approach to implement new...

FDA Releases Guidance on Health Data Integrity, Drug Safety

by Jessica Kent

The FDA has released new guidance aimed at helping drug manufacturers ensure data integrity and product safety. The document is an update to the FDA’s 2016 draft guidance on the topic and will...

NCQA Launches Two New Population Health Management Programs

by Jessica Kent

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) has launched two new population health management programs designed to assess and support organizations as they deliver holistic patient...

Persuasive EHR Workflow Design Increased Same-Day Data Entry by 10%

by Jessica Kent

Incorporating persuasive design concepts into primary care electronic health records (EHRs) increased same-day data entry by 10 percent per physician, demonstrating the potential for persuasive design...

Shrewd Health IT Purchasing Strategies Key to Seamless Data Exchange

by Jessica Kent

To develop seamless industry-wide health data exchange, healthcare systems should work to create holistic, long-term health IT purchasing strategies that work towards broader goals  rather than...

Data Standards, Unique Identifiers Will Reduce Patient Matching Errors

by Jessica Kent

The healthcare industry should prioritize the development of data standards, unique patient identifiers, and engagement from patients if it wishes to reduce the number of patient matching errors that...

Data Standards, API Development Will Support Health Data Exchange

by Jessica Kent

Shared data standards and industry-wide adoption of application programming interfaces (APIs) will be key to promoting improved health data exchange, according to a recent brief from the Pew Charitable...

Amazon, Google, IBM Pledge Health Data Standards, Interoperability

by Jennifer Bresnick

Half a dozen of the biggest names in technology – Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, IBM, and Oracle – have joined together to pledge speedy progress towards true health data...

Patient Matching Issues Stem from Poor Data Standardization

by Jessica Kent

Poor data standardization can result in incomplete and inaccurate data collection, patient matching issues, and slower organizational workflows, according to a study published in AHIMA’s...

Groups Urge ONC, AHRQ to Support Health IT Patient Safety

by Jessica Kent

ECRI Institute, the Alliance for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (AQIPS), the Bipartisan Quality Center (BPC), and The Pew Charitable Trusts have established a shared vision for a nationwide...

“Basic Science” of Healthcare Big Data Analytics Still Needs Work

by Jennifer Bresnick

The healthcare industry still needs to focus on developing the foundational building blocks of big data analytics by creating and implementing meaningful data standards, says the American Medical...

LTPAC Orgs Need Better Health Data Exchange Standards, APIs

by Jennifer Bresnick

More robust health data exchange standards and the adoption of application programming interfaces (APIs) will help to improve interoperability among long-term and post-acute care (LTPAC) facilities,...

Can Open Source EHRs Offer a New Path for Health IT Usability?

by Jennifer Bresnick

More than half a decade after the EHR Incentive Programs sparked a frenzied rush to purchase and implement certified health IT tools, the electronic health record market has largely coalesced around a...