Drug Development

Brain Sensor Could Accelerate Alzheimer’s Precision Medicine

by Jessica Kent

A newly-developed sensor can evaluate transmissions in the brain at both the microscopic and the nanoscopic level, accelerating Alzheimer’s precision medicine, according to a study published in...

Discovery of New Alzheimer’s Subtypes May Speed Precision Medicine

by Jessica Kent

Using data from RNA sequencing, a team from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai has detected three molecular subtypes of Alzheimer’s disease that could advance precision medicine...

Machine Learning, Real-World Data Find New Uses for Existing Drugs

by Jessica Kent

Machine learning and real-world data could help researchers identify new uses for existing drugs, leading to accelerated drug repurposing, according to a study published in Nature Machine...

New Tool Could Advance Precision Medicine for Incurable Diseases

by Jessica Kent

A new tool that focuses on RNA could accelerate the development of precision medicine treatments for incurable diseases, including a type of metastatic breast cancer, according to a study published in...

Gene Expression Database May Help Curb Antibiotic Resistance

by Jessica Kent

A gene expression database analyzed different strains of the bacteria that causes pneumonia, meningitis, and middle ear infections, which could lead to new treatments for these conditions and curb...

AI Shows COVID-19 Vaccines May Be Less Effective in Racial Minorities

by Jessica Kent

Artificial intelligence tools examined a kind of vaccine similar to new COVID-19 vaccines and revealed that it could be less effective in people of black or Asian ancestry, according to a study...

$1.3M Grant Will Advance Precision Medicine for Pediatric Cancer

by Jessica Kent

Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania (CHOP) and Gustave Roussy, a cancer research organization based in France, have received a $1.3 million grant from neuroblastoma clinical research charities to...

Deep Learning Tool May Accelerate COVID-19 Drug Discovery

by Jessica Kent

A deep learning tool can offer more information about SARS-CoV-2 proteins to accelerate COVID-19 drug discovery, according to a study published in Chemical Science. For more coronavirus updates, visit...

Genetic Sequencing Could Help Track COVID-19 Mutations, Spread

by Jessica Kent

Genetic sequencing can help monitor mutations in COVID-19, potentially improving diagnostic testing and transmission tracking, a study published in Cell Reports revealed. For more coronavirus updates,...

Artificial Intelligence Method Builds in Error for Better Models

by Jessica Kent

An emerging method builds error and uncertainty into artificial intelligence models, ultimately leading to more efficient, precise tools in many areas of research – including...

Study Uses Artificial Intelligence for Alzheimer’s Drug Development

by Jessica Kent

A team at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania will leverage artificial intelligence to find patterns in genetic, imaging, and clinical data from over 60,000...

Predictive Analytics Models Forecast Prevalence of Flu Strains

by Jessica Kent

Predictive analytics models that evaluate genetic and experimental data could more accurately forecast which flu strains will be most prevalent during the next winter, according to a study published in...

How Precision Medicine, Genomics Research is Decoding COVID-19

by Jessica Kent

Since COVID-19 has entered and spread across the US, healthcare researchers have aimed to learn everything they can about the virus. For more coronavirus updates, visit our resource page, updated...

Precision Medicine Projects to Accelerate COVID-19 Treatment

by Jessica Kent

The San Antonio Partnership for Precision Therapeutics (SAPPT) has announced the funding of three projects that will accelerate treatments for COVID-19 using precision medicine principles. For more...

Machine Learning Method Identifies Adverse Drug Side Effects

by Jessica Kent

An open-source machine learning tool identified proteins associated with adverse drug side effects, providing insight into how the human body responds to drug compounds at the molecular level, a study...

DoD Uses CARES Act Funds to Leverage AI for COVID-19 Vaccines

by Jessica Kent

The Department of Defense (DoD) is seeking to use money provided by Congress under the CARES Act to leverage artificial intelligence technology for COVID-19 vaccines. For more coronavirus updates,...

Machine Learning Approach Could Accelerate COVID-19 Drug Discovery

by Jessica Kent

Researchers from Penn State College of Engineering are aiming to speed COVID-19 drug discovery with quantum machine learning, a field that combines machine learning and quantum physics. For more...

How Will Big Data Analytics Factor into the Next Phase of COVID-19?

by Jessica Kent

As COVID-19 has made its way across the US and around the world, healthcare stakeholders from all areas of the industry have prioritized containing the outbreak. Leaders at all levels have utilized...

Gene Linked to Cholesterol Regulation Could Boost Precision Medicine

by Jessica Kent

A team from the University of Wisconsin-Madison has uncovered a gene involved in regulating the body’s cholesterol, which could help advance precision medicine treatments for heart disease and...

Consortium to Launch Big Data Biobank for Coronavirus Research

by Jessica Kent

Partners HealthCare, Biogen Inc., and Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard are partnering to launch a big data biobank for coronavirus research. For more coronavirus updates, visit our resource...