What Healthcare IT Users Don’t Really Need to Know about FHIR

by Jennifer Bresnick

The healthcare industry may not be the nimblest when it comes to adopting and truly optimizing new technologies, as most EHR users will readily agree.  Reluctance, denial, frustration, and...

Google Cloud Partners with HL7 to Support FHIR Development

by Jennifer Bresnick

ORLANDO - HL7 International and Google have partnered to bring Google's cloud clout to bear on the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource, commonly known as FHIR. At HIMSS17 this week, Google...

Blockchain, Big Data, Interoperability Coming Up at HIMSS17

by Jennifer Bresnick

In just a few short days, HealthITAnalytics.com will be heading to the happiest place on earth – the annual HIMSS Conference and Exhibition – to sync up with tens of thousands of health IT...

ONC Picks FHIR Health Data Aggregation App Contest Winners

by Jennifer Bresnick

The Office of the National Coordinator has picked six data aggregation, EHR utilization, and patient experience developers as winners of the second phase of its API-based app challenge.  The...

Health IT Vendors, Providers Struggling with API Development

by Jennifer Bresnick

The application programming interface (API) is one of the most exciting developments in health data interoperability, says a new report by Chillmark Research, and enthusiasm for standards-based data...

Big Data, Interoperability Top Black Book’s Trends for 2017

by Thomas Beaton

Providers looking to succeed in the value-based care environment will focus on developing and implementing big data analytics technologies that will help them gain an edge with population health...

Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, FHIR Dominate 2016 Headlines

by Jennifer Bresnick

Every year seems to be a transitional year for the healthcare industry, but 2016 had more than its fair share of major changes, new ideas, and stunning events to talk about.  From big data...

FHIR, Big Data to Support FDA Medical Device Development Network

by Jennifer Bresnick

Emerging standards that support the seamless flow of big data across multiple entities, such as FHIR, will form the foundation of the FDA’s planned National Evaluation System for health Technology...

FHIR App Provides Precision Medicine Support at Point of Care

by Jennifer Bresnick

Two of the most intriguing trends in healthcare may be able to work together to bring advanced clinical decision support directly to the point of care, suggest researchers who developed a FHIR-based...

ONC Taps Boston Children’s for $275K FHIR, API Innovation Award

by Jennifer Bresnick

The FHIR ecosystem is still heating up as the EHR developer community searches for innovative new ways to bring application programming interfaces (APIs) into mainstream use.  Spurred on by the...

Why Health Data Interoperability is Setting EHR Vendors on FHIR

by Jennifer Bresnick

Despite the prospect of coming home with an updated gadget or smooth new ride, most consumers get sweaty palms when it’s time to think about making a big purchasing decision like renewing a cell phone contract or buying a...

ONC Launches Two FHIR Interoperability App Challenges

by Jennifer Bresnick

LAS VEGAS - When it comes to health data interoperability, FHIR is the name of the game for the Office of the National Coordinator.  At HIMSS16 in Las Vegas, National Coordinator Karen DeSalvo, MD,...

A FHIR Future Burns Brightly for Population Health Management

by Jennifer Bresnick

In most cases, and across most industries, data standards get little respect.  For some reason, their endlessly, hopelessly dense documentation detailing the minutia of splicing together millions of lines of complex code don’t...

HSPC Interoperability Project Tackles HIE with FHIR, App Culture

by Jennifer Bresnick

CommonWell, Carequality, and the Argonaut Project may be the names that first spring to mind when discussing the healthcare industry’s private interoperability efforts, but the Healthcare Services...

Epic, IBM Watson Embrace FHIR for Healthcare Big Data Analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

Hot on the heels of its HIMSS15 debut, the new IBM Watson Health division is helping to shake up the healthcare big data analytics industry by announcing a new collaboration with Epic Systems and the...

Can FHIR Spark Health Information Exchange, Interoperability?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Health information exchange in the United Sates may suffer from chronic fragmentation, data duplication, misinterpretation, ambiguity, and disunity, but there’s one thing nearly all providers can...