Healthcare AI Focus

Microsoft’s Nuance Launches AI Collaborative for Health System Leaders

by Shania Kennedy

Nuance, a Microsoft company specializing in conversational artificial intelligence (AI), has partnered with peer-learning company The Health Management Academy (The Academy) to launch the AI...

AI May Be More Prone to Errors in Image-Based Diagnoses Than Clinicians

by Shania Kennedy

Researchers have found that deep neural networks (DNNs) make mistakes in image-based medical diagnoses that humans are less likely to make, and they hypothesize that these mistakes may indicate that...

Types of Deep Learning & Their Uses in Healthcare

by Shania Kennedy

Deep learning (DL), which is also known as deep structured learning or hierarchical learning, is a subset of machine learning. It is loosely based on the way neurons connect to one another to process information in animal brains. To...

AI Could Improve Tech Designed to Aid the Visually Impaired

by Shania Kennedy

According to researchers from the Pennsylvania State University’s College of Information Sciences and Technology, artificial intelligence (AI) can help solve challenges posed by current computer...

Exploring Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Around the Globe

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making a dent in healthcare in the US and around the globe, helping leaders in Europe, South America, and Asia improve outcomes and cut costs, dissolving key pain points...

Predictive Analytics Flags Gynecologic Cancer Relapse in Patients

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Nagourney Cancer Institute researchers in collaboration with the Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, University of California, Irvine, and Todd Cancer Institute discovered metabolic signatures in...

Microscopy, Artificial Intelligence Aids Detection of COVID-19

by Erin McNemar, MPA

By pairing microscopy and artificial intelligence, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology researchers created a COVID-19 test that is fast, accurate, and cost-effective. As the pandemic...

Predictive Model Projects Cervical Cancer Elimination

by Erin McNemar, MPA

A predictive model estimated that cervical cancer could be virtually eliminated in the United States by 2030 in communities with low poverty rates, but not until 2044 in communities with high poverty...

Using SDOH Data to Enhance Artificial Intelligence, Outcomes

by Erin McNemar, MPA

As providers search for ways to improve their methods of care, social determinants of health (SDOH) have become an increasingly popular area of research. These social factors, which impact...

Blood Samples, Predictive Analytics Determine COVID-19 Outcomes

by Erin McNemar, MPA

A new study of blood samples from nearly 200 COVID-19 patients reveals underlying metabolic changes that regulate how immune cells respond to the infection. These changes are associated with disease...

Artificial Intelligence Predicts Ventilator Need of COVID-19 Patients

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Case Western Reserve University researchers have developed an artificial intelligence tool that can predict if a COVID-19 patient will need help breathing with a ventilator. The tool was created by...

Machine Learning Tool Detects Genetic Syndromes in Children

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Children’s National Hospital researchers developed a machine learning tool that offers rapid genetic screening, potentially accelerating the diagnosis of genetic syndromes in children. The deep...

Enhancing AI in Chronic Disease Management with Data Collection

by Erin McNemar, MPA

To effectively use artificial intelligence in chronic disease management, providers must have high-quality and accurate data. According to University of Pennsylvania Medical Center (UPMC) Chief Health...

Using Artificial Intelligence to Examine Biopsied Tissue Samples

by Erin McNemar, MPA

University of Los Angeles (UCLA) engineers developed a method to improve diagnostic tools that examine biopsied tissue samples using artificial intelligence. The AI system uses virtual re-staining of...

Detecting COVID-19 with Artificial Intelligence, Imaging Technology

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Using artificial intelligence technology, Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation (TIBI) researchers developed and validated an image-based detection model for COVID-19. The model analyzes lung...

What Are the Benefits of Predictive Analytics in Healthcare?

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Through the implementation of artificial intelligence, predictive analytics in healthcare has served as a critical component of advancing care and improving outcomes. With the assistance of predictive...

Machine Learning in Healthcare Helps Prosthetic Hands Feel

by Erin McNemar, MPA

By using machine learning in healthcare, researchers from Florida Atlantic University's College of Engineering and Computer Science and collaborators are creating prosthetic hands that can...

Artificial Intelligence May Help Develop COVID-19 Treatments, Tests

by Jessica Kent

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, artificial intelligence tools have played a significant role in tracking, controlling, and predicting the spread of the virus. For more coronavirus updates, visit...

Artificial Intelligence Tool Diagnoses Alzheimer’s with 95% Accuracy

by Jessica Kent

A team from Stevens Institute of Technology has developed an artificial intelligence tool that can diagnose Alzheimer’s disease with more than 95 percent accuracy, eliminating the need for...

How Healthcare is Leveraging Real-World Data to Improve Outcomes

by Jessica Kent

When describing the state of healthcare in the last few months, people have used certain words over and over again.  Unprecedented, crisis, rapid, and novel have become staple terms in the nation’s vocabulary, highlighting both...