Healthcare Payers

Health Data Analytics a “Competitive Differentiator” for Payers

by Jennifer Bresnick

A robust and wide-ranging big data analytics strategy can be a “competitive differentiator” for health insurance payers seeking actionable insights to help them succeed with value-based...

93% of Payers, Providers Say Predictive Analytics are the Future

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare organizations will not be able to navigate the financial and clinical challenges of the future without investing in predictive analytics tools, said more than 90 percent of respondents to a...

Humana Refines Diabetes Risk Stratification Tool Using ICD-10

by Jennifer Bresnick

In an effort to improve the delivery of targeted chronic disease management services to diabetes patients, Humana has revamped its Diabetes Complications Severity Index (DCSI) risk stratification tool...

Why an “Empty Desire” for Big Data is Inhibiting Value-Based Care

by Jennifer Bresnick

For the most part, the healthcare industry has embraced the idea that access to big data is a critical part of doing business in the modern care environment.  But there’s a major difference...

95% See Population Health as Critical, but Worry about Payment

by Thomas Beaton

While the vast majority of healthcare organizations view population health management as a critical part of their financial future, providers are experiencing several challenges as they try to...

Can Blockchain Give Healthcare Payers Better Analytical Insight?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Blockchain may be starting to settle in to the financial industry as a secure methodology for tracking and approving transactions, but its use cases for other sectors, including the healthcare market,...

Value-Based Care Starts with Basic Population Health Management

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare organizations and their payer partners are learning very quickly that the transition from volume to value-based care is significantly more complicated than signing on the dotted line to...

97% Say Big Data Analytics Crucial for Healthcare Benefit Choices

by Jennifer Bresnick

Ninety-seven percent of human resources professionals believe that big data analytics are “essential” for making organizational decisions about healthcare benefits and wellness programs,...