Imaging Analytics

Microsoft Revs Up Healthcare Artificial Intelligence Projects

by Jennifer Bresnick

Microsoft is getting very serious about bringing artificial intelligence into the healthcare system, launching a brand new research division and several development projects with provider groups and...

Health Information Governance Strategies for Unstructured Data

by Jennifer Bresnick

While electronic health records still have the potential to standardize care by enabling advanced analytics and informing clinical decision-making, much of the data held within these systems – and a large proportion of the data used...

Mount Sinai Uses Machine Learning for Heart Imaging Analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare organizations are quickly pushing forward with the development of machine learning algorithms to tackle one of the toughest problems in big data: extracting and analyzing information from...

UCSF to Develop Machine Learning for CDS, Imaging Analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

The University of California San Francisco’s Center for Digital Health Innovation (CDHI) and GE Healthcare are partnering to develop a cache of machine learning algorithms and imaging...

Imaging Analytics: The First Step to Personalized Medicine

by Michael Graetz

Across the healthcare industry, there is a rising demand for personalized medicine, including the desire to have better access, visibility and insight into patient records. Everyone in the ecosystem...

Imaging Analytics Get Big Data Boost from New Partnerships

by Jennifer Bresnick

Diagnostic data from imaging studies such as x-rays, MRIs, and CAT scans is usually locked away in the images themselves, or in accompanying free-text reports attached as PDFs to electronic medical...

IBM Boosts Big Data, Imaging Knowhow with $1B Merge Acquisition

by Jennifer Bresnick

IBM continues to make big moves into the healthcare big data analytics space, leveraging its Watson supercomputing platform to provide clinical decision support and machine learning services to a...