Natural Language Processing

Deep Learning IDs Neurological Scans 150 Times Faster than Humans

by Jessica Kent

A deep learning platform designed to identify acute neurological conditions, including stroke, hemorrhage, and hydrocephalus, detected disease in CT scans in 1.2 seconds, or 150 times faster than human...

How to Use Big Data Analytics to Boost Patient Engagement

by Jessica Kent

Patient engagement is a key element of quality healthcare delivery. In order for patients to maintain their well-being, they must take an active role in their care and understand what they must do to...

4 Natural Language Processing Use Cases for Healthcare Orgs

by Jessica Kent

The rise of big data in the healthcare industry is setting the stage for natural language processing (NLP) and other artificial intelligence tools to assist with improving the delivery of care....

5 Steps for Planning a Healthcare Artificial Intelligence Project

by Jennifer Bresnick

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are quickly overhauling the processes of researching, purchasing, and implemented IT tools in the healthcare industry.  With new breakthroughs announced almost every day and thousands of...

EHR Natural Language Processing Errors Bring Patient Safety Concerns

by Jennifer Bresnick

Speech recognition software that leverages natural language processing (NLP) to create clinical documentation has become increasingly popular among EHR users, but the potential for errors that lead to...

Natural Language Processing, Voice Tools Offer Solutions to EHR Woes

by Jennifer Bresnick

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are relatively new additions to the tools and applications that now power a large portion of the healthcare industry, but some providers have been using...

Chatbots May Be Healthcare’s Artificial Intelligence Entry Point

by Jennifer Bresnick

Chatbots and virtual assistants may offer healthcare organizations a low-cost entry point into the burgeoning world of artificial intelligence, indicates a new cross-industry survey conducted by...

Natural Language Processing May Boost Patient EHR Understanding

by Jessica Kent

Using a natural language processing (NLP) tool to link medical terms to simple definitions could improve patient EHR comprehension and the patient portal experience, according to a study published in...

EHR Natural Language Processing Identifies Care Guideline Adherence

by Jessica Kent

Using natural language processing (NLP) can help providers measure the quality of heart failure inpatient care by extracting key data from the electronic health record (EHR) and monitoring adherence to...

Has Google Cracked EHR Speech Recognition for Medical Conversations?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare providers ready to throw their laptops out the window rather than spend another minute documenting care in their electronic health records may be pleased to know that Google is taking on the...

Machine Learning Can Flag Adverse Drug Events in Unstructured Data

by Jennifer Bresnick

Applying natural language processing and machine learning techniques to unstructured data can help to identify adverse drug events (ADEs) in medical literature and social media postings, says a new...

Amazon Machine Learning, Big Data Tools Have Healthcare Implications

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare organizations looking to expand their big data analytics horizons will have more infrastructure, Machine-Learning-as-a-Service (MLaaS), and deep learning options thanks to a series of new...

Natural Language Processing Could Translate EHR Jargon for Patients

by Jennifer Bresnick

Using natural language processing (NLP) to translate confusing and complex medical jargon into everyday speech may help patients feel more in control of the information presented to them.  More...

Growing NLP Marketplace Drives Healthcare Machine Learning

by Jennifer Bresnick

Machine learning has quickly become of the most pervasive trends in the healthcare IT industry, opening up endless opportunities for vendors, providers, and patients alike.  From personalized...

Epic Systems: Machine Learning Is the EHR Usability Solution

by Jennifer Bresnick

A public appearance by Epic Systems founder and CEO Judy Faulkner is always a big event for the health IT industry, and nothing is bigger for Epic than the electronic health record company’s annual user group meeting. With 9000...

Will Big Data Analytics Rescue Lackluster Electronic Health Records?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Big data analytics are “extremely important” for helping healthcare organizations see a return on their electronic health records (EHRs) investments, according to 83 percent of stakeholders...

Why Patient-Reported Outcomes Data is Key to Healthcare Quality

by Jennifer Bresnick

Considering that the ultimate goal of healthcare is to help patients live high-quality, productive lives, it would seem that patient-reported outcomes data should be the foundation upon which all...

EHR Natural Language Processing Flags Social Determinant Search Terms

by Jennifer Bresnick

Applying natural language processing (NLP) techniques to the electronic health record can help providers identify key terms associated with the social determinants of health, says a new study out of...

Can Artificial Intelligence Relieve Electronic Health Record Burnout?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare providers still facing frustrations years after switching to electronic health records (EHRs) may soon find some relief from burnout as artificial intelligence moves closer to reality,...

Borrowed from Retail, Anthem’s Big Data Analytics Boost Member Engagement

by Jennifer Bresnick

Commercial insurance companies are facing innumerable challenges as internal and external changes continue to buffet the healthcare industry.  As both leaders in the field of value-based care and...