Patient Centered Care

1304 Health Centers Share $100M in Quality Improvement Funds

by Jennifer Bresnick

More than 1300 health centers across the country will be splitting $100 million in HHS grant funding to drive quality improvements, health IT adoption, and other patient-centered practice transformation...

What is the New Comprehensive Primary Care Plus Program?

by Nathan Boroyan

The traditional fee-for-service reimbursement model is slowly being phased out in favor of value-based care, and a new advanced primary care model, called the Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+)...

UMass Receives $6.4M for Surgical Clinical Decision Support

by Jacqueline LaPointe

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has awarded a $6.4 million grant to researchers at UMass Medical School to develop a web-based clinical decision support tool that uses...

Identifying Care Disparities for Population Health Management

by Jennifer Bresnick

Over the last several years, “population health management” has become a key concept for healthcare providers who are trying to recalibrate their traditional operations to meet the growing challenges of value-based...

Tailored Web-Based Tools Boost Population Health Management

by Jacqueline LaPointe

According to a recent study by the Journal of Medical Internet Research, tailored web-based interventions for multiple health behaviors can help healthcare providers achieve population health management...