Patient Centered Medical Home

Patient-Centered Medical Homes Key to ACOs, Population Health

August 15, 2018 - Advanced primary care models such as the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) may contribute to improved population health outcomes and lower costs in accountable care organizations (ACOs), according to a recent report from the Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC). Both PCMHs and ACOs aim to enhance care delivery, albeit through...

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Patient-Centered Medical Home Has Saved Payer $1.2B Since 2011

by Jennifer Bresnick

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield has saved nearly $1.2 billion – yes, billion – since 2011 by implementing a patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model across ninety percent of its contracted...

83 Intermountain Clinics Become Patient-Centered Medical Homes

by Jessica Kent

The Intermountain Medical Group recently announced that its 83 primary care clinics have received National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) recognition as patient-centered medical homes...

CMS Support Program Turns Safety Net Providers into Medical Homes

by Jennifer Bresnick

Federally qualified healthcare centers (FQHCs) that received technical and financial assistance from a CMS demonstration program were significantly more likely to become high-level patient-centered...

NCQA: Patient-Centered Medical Home No Longer “Unduly Onerous”

by Jennifer Bresnick

In addition to being dedicated, hard-working, and compassionate, physicians tend to share the character trait of being a very vocal, forthright, and outspoken group of professionals.  Over the...

NCQA Revamps Patient-Centered Medical Home to Ease Adoption

by Jennifer Bresnick

NCQA has announced a redesign of its popular patient-centered medical home (PCMH) recognition program that will lower the burdens of adoption and upkeep for primary care providers. The new...

Specialists Get Higher Marks than PCPs for PCMH Satisfaction

by Jennifer Bresnick

Primary care providers may not be providing all the benefits the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) has to offer, according to a study in the American Journal of Managed Care, lagging behind their...

Provider Experience, Chronic Disease Impact PCMH Referral Rates

by Jennifer Bresnick

Patients with common chronic diseases, as well as those seen by less experienced providers, are more likely to receive specialty referrals than others being treated within the patient-centered medical...

Large Patient-Centered Medical Homes Employ More Care Coordinators

by Jennifer Bresnick

Larger primary care practices and patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs) are significantly more likely to have the resources and skills to offer population health management programs and employ...

Leveraging the Patient-Centered Medical Home for Older Adult Care

by Jennifer Bresnick

The patient-centered medical home (PCMH), one of the nation’s most promising care coordination and population health management frameworks, may be ideally suited to ensuring that older adults...

Patient-Centered Medical Home May Improve Safety Net Care

by Nathan Boroyan

Establishing a patient-centered medical home model in safety net clinics may lead to more primary care visits and less emergency department use among Medicaid beneficiaries, according to a new study...

6 Success Factors for Pediatric Patient-Centered Medical Homes

by Jennifer Bresnick

The patient-centered medical home has become a popular and promising framework for improving care coordination, fostering preventative care, and generating better outcomes for patients, including...

NCQA Releases Patient-Centered Medical Home Standards Updates

by Sara Heath

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) is requesting industry comment on its updates to the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) standards guide for 2017. In a press release, NCQA...

Breaking Down the Basics of the Patient-Centered Medical Home

by Jennifer Bresnick

As the healthcare industry moves away from traditional fee-for-service reimbursements towards a new era of accountable, cost-conscious, coordinated care, healthcare organizations are actively seeking new patient management strategies to...

Geisinger Patient-Centered Medical Home Cuts Care Costs by 9%

by Jennifer Bresnick

The debate over the true value of the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) continues with a new study by Geisinger Health System, which indicates that the comprehensive care framework may be able to...

PCMHs, ACOs More Likely to Use EHRs for Population Health

by Jennifer Bresnick

A new survey published this month in the American Journal of Managed Care found that providers who had adopted EHRs in 2012 were significantly more likely than non-users to engage in population health...

CMS Unveils Value-Based Patient-Centered Primary Care Model

by Sara Heath

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has unveiled the Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) model, a new multi-payer patient-centered primary care model which aims to allow providers...

PCDC Celebrates Aiding Its 200th Patient-Centered Medical Home

by Jacqueline LaPointe

Two hundred primary care practices have earned the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) patient-centered medical home (PCMH) recognition with the help of the non-profit Primary Care...

Patient-Centered Medical Home Wins $100K for Medicaid Work

by Jacqueline LaPointe

Hearst Health and the Jefferson College of Population Health at Thomas Jefferson University recently announced that Community Care of North Carolina (CCNC) has won the inaugural Hearst Health Prize of...

Patient-Centered Medical Home Keeps Spending Low, Quality High

by Jennifer Bresnick

The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) continues to show staying power as one of the healthcare industry’s most effective cost-cutting and quality-boosting initiatives, says the latest annual...