Risk Assessment

Machine Learning Helps Improve Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

by Emily Sokol, MPH

A new Yale University study demonstrates how machine learning can replace traditional clinical assessments for more accurate cardiovascular risk assessment. Published in Radiology, the study aimed at...

5 Successful Risk Scoring Tips to Improve Predictive Analytics

by Emily Sokol, MPH

Risk scoring allows organizations to understand their population based on defined risk factors and anticipate the future risk of the group. A risk score is a metric used to predict aspects of a patient’s care (cost, risk of...

Predictive Analytics Identify Patients for Early HIV Intervention

by Emily Sokol, MPH

Two studies published in Lancet HIV used predictive analytics to help providers identify patient candidates for preventive HIV treatment. The algorithms identify patients who are at high-risk for...

Machine Learning Models Help Detect Alzheimer’s, Heart Attack Risk

by Jessica Kent

Machine learning algorithms could play a critical role in improving chronic disease risk assessment and care, particularly for patients with Alzheimer’s and heart disease, according to two...

Deep Learning Predicts Women’s Future Risk of Breast Cancer

by Jessica Kent

Using deep learning technology, researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) were able to predict women’s future risk of breast cancer...

Machine Learning, EHR Big Data Analytics Predict Sepsis

by Jessica Kent

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University’s (CMU) Heinz College are applying a machine learning algorithm to big data in the electronic health record (EHR) to more accurately predict sepsis, one...

Humana Refines Diabetes Risk Stratification Tool Using ICD-10

by Jennifer Bresnick

In an effort to improve the delivery of targeted chronic disease management services to diabetes patients, Humana has revamped its Diabetes Complications Severity Index (DCSI) risk stratification tool...