Quality & Governance News

Patient-Reported Data on Readmissions, Complications is Accurate


Patient-reported data can be a valuable resource for healthcare providers looking to develop longitudinal records of past events, such as emergency room care, hospital readmissions, and complications...

AHA Honors Atrium Health for Care Quality, Reducing Disparities


The American Hospital Association (AHA) has recognized Atrium Health for its efforts in increasing healthcare quality and reducing care disparities in communities. Atrium Health ranked in the top five...

Urgent Care Centers Show Lackluster Antibiotic Stewardship


Nearly forty-six percent of urgent care center visits resulting in an antibiotic prescription were for conditions that do not call for antibiotic treatment , revealing that more robust antibiotic...

US Digital Service Revamps CMS, QPP User Experience from the Inside Out


The notorious inefficiency of the federal government has long been a common complaint for citizens, businesses, and other entities attempting to acquire information, apply for programs, or receive...

CMS Unveils Interoperability, EHR Clinical Documentation Changes


CMS has released proposed rules for Medicare that would make good on its promises to promote interoperability, reduce administrative burdens for physicians, and expand patient data access...

EHR Natural Language Processing Errors Bring Patient Safety Concerns


Speech recognition software that leverages natural language processing (NLP) to create clinical documentation has become increasingly popular among EHR users, but the potential for errors that lead to...

CMS: Data Analytics will Strengthen Medicaid Program Integrity


New CMS initiatives will utilize advanced data analytics tools, quality data, and increased transparency to strengthen Medicaid program integrity and ensure the sustainability of the program for all...

CMS Begins the Search for a Chief Health Informatics Officer


The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is looking to add a Chief Health Informatics Officer (CHIO) to its health IT leadership roster, according to a job posting on USAJOBS.gov. The position...

CMS Data Element Library Promotes Health Information Exchange


CMS has announced the availability of the Data Element Library (DEL), a database that will promote health information exchange, increase communication among healthcare facilities, and enhance care...

FDA: Drug Development Transparency Key for Precision Medicine


New guidance from the FDA urges drug development stakeholders to be transparent with their data as a way to maintain high quality and foster patient-centered precision medicine.   Innovative,...

Provider Data Management Offers Payers a Blockchain Use Case


Moving provider directories onto a blockchain could offer payers a high-value use case for exploring the role of distributed ledgers in healthcare data management, assert Humana and Ernst & Young...

93% of Clinical Trial Participants Comfortable with Data Sharing


Ninety-three percent of clinical trial participants reported that they would be comfortable with data sharing, allowing universities and other non-profit organizations to access their information and...

CMS Efforts to Reduce Hospital-Acquired Conditions Save $2.9B


The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has released a report showing that CMS-led patient safety initiatives have reduced hospital-acquired conditions, helping to prevent an estimated...

Nurses Play a Critical Role in EHR Optimization, Data Governance


Most healthcare organizations have now celebrated at least a handful of anniversaries with their electronic health records, and are now coming to the realization that implementation was only the start...

EHR Satisfaction Rises, Usability Complaints Drop for Nurses


Electronic health record (EHR) satisfaction and acceptance among nurses has improved significantly, with ninety-six percent reporting that they would not want to go back to using paper records,...

Verma: CMS Will “Use Every Lever” for Promoting Interoperability, Data Access


The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is doubling down on its commitment to health data interoperability and ensuring that patients have comprehensive access to their own health data,...

CMS Renames Meaningful Use to Highlight Interoperability Goals


CMS has announced a rebrand of the familiar EHR Incentive Programs, commonly known as meaningful use, to reflect its ongoing commitment to interoperability, patient data access, and system-wide health...

Patient Matching Issues Stem from Poor Data Standardization


Poor data standardization can result in incomplete and inaccurate data collection, patient matching issues, and slower organizational workflows, according to a study published in AHIMA’s...

Patient Matching Issues Increase Costs, Threaten Patient Safety


Patient matching issues that result in duplicate records and repeated medical care cost an average of $1950 per patient per inpatient stay and over $800 per ED visit, according to a Black Book survey...

Data Analytics, Agile Implementation Speed Healthcare Quality Improvement


The healthcare industry has been through numerous trials in recent years, from the financial and technical alterations brought by the Affordable Care Act and the HITECH Act to the rise of consumerism...