Health Information Governance

Why are HIM Pros Key to Big Data Analytics, Precision Medicine?

by Jennifer Bresnick

NEW ORLEANS - Healthcare big data analytics and precision medicine won’t get very far without the knowledge, expertise, and unique skills of health information management professionals, said John...

ICD-10 Implementation is Just the Beginning for Coder Education

by Jennifer Bresnick

NEW ORLEANS - October 1, 2015 is etched into the consciousness of health information management professionals as the day when ICD-10 finally becomes a reality, but anyone who thinks that the hard work...

AHIMA: “Long-Awaited” ICD-10 Implementation is Good for Patients

by Jennifer Bresnick

NEW ORLEANS - With ICD-10 implementation just three short days away, AHIMA is celebrating what it sees as a victory for data integrity during the 2015 Convention and Exhibit in New Orleans.  The...

What to Expect at AHIMA: ICD-10, Big Data, Population Health

by Jennifer Bresnick

The 2015 AHIMA Convention may be taking place in the Big Easy next week, but there’s nothing simple about any of the top issues that attendees are facing as an eventful year in healthcare comes to...

WEDI and NATE Partner for Patient Matching, Interoperability

by Jennifer Bresnick

The Virtual Clipboard Initiative, a collaborative project that hopes to drastically improve patient matching techniques and broaden health data interoperability, will be moving into its second phase...

One Week to Go: Top 5 ICD-10 Implementation Facts to Remember

by Jennifer Bresnick

Anyone still holding out hope for an ICD-10 implementation delay may finally need to resign themselves to the fact that the new code set is coming – and there is only one week left until the...

Federal HIT Plan Focuses on Population Health, Patient Engagement

by Jennifer Bresnick

Patient engagement and robust population health management are two of the top goals for CMS and the ONC over the next five years, says National Coordinator Karen DeSalvo in a letter prefacing the new...

Can CommonWell Make Health Data Interoperability a Reality?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Of the growing number of private industry projects aimed at bringing health data interoperability to the masses, the CommonWell Health Alliance has always seemed like a leader of the pack.  Founded...

Social, Behavioral Data Must Be Included in EHRs, Nurses Say

by Jennifer Bresnick

Electronic health records are incomplete and potentially insufficient for use in population health management programs when they are missing social and behavioral data, states the American Academy of...

Final Rule for Stage 3 Meaningful Use Comes Closer to Publication

by Jennifer Bresnick

The final rule for Stage 3 Meaningful Use is now under review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), bringing the hotly anticipated guidelines one step closer to publication and the opportunity...

CMS Names ICD-10 Ombudsman, Provides Last-Minute Tips

by Jennifer Bresnick

As yellow buses and backpacks take over the lives of children once again, CMS hopes the healthcare industry will be in the mood to get back to school itself by learning its ICD-10 ABCs.  With less...

Final ICD-10 End-to-End Testing Week Sees 87% Success Rate

by Jennifer Bresnick

With just over one month until the ICD-10 transition, CMS has released the latest statistics from its July ICD-10 end-to-end testing week.  Eighty-seven percent of submitted claims were accepted,...

How Can Healthcare Big Data Analytics Bust Data Silos?

by Jennifer Bresnick

While end-user clinicians may be frustrated by gaps and blank spaces in their patient data, they are not the only ones who are experiencing some degree of consternation when it comes to big data...

Final ICD-10 Preparation Checklist for Hospitals and Physicians

by Jennifer Bresnick

It may still be pool party weather in most of the country as the dog days of August slowly slink by, but cool temperatures and an undoubtedly cool reception for October 1, 2015 are right around the...

CMS Offers Coding “Cheat Sheets” for ICD-10 Implementation

by Jennifer Bresnick

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is doing everything it can to inspire confidence in providers during the final few weeks before ICD-10 implementation.  As part of the Road to...

Balancing Access and Insight for Healthcare Big Data Analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

When it comes to healthcare big data analytics, “more” isn’t necessarily “better.”  Extracting actionable insights from data is a struggle for everyone, no matter how...

What Are the 3 Critical Keys to Healthcare Big Data Analytics?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare big data analytics isn’t just a “use it or lose it” proposition for the provider community – it’s quickly becoming a “use it if you want to hold on to...

Data Governance, Partnership Key to DOD EHR Project, Cerner Says

by Jennifer Bresnick

Cerner President Zane Burke had a lot to celebrate in a corporate earning call held August 4, which made special mention of the EHR vendor’s role in the Leidos Partnership for Defense...

Will Lower EHR Copying Fees Improve Patient Engagement?

by Jennifer Bresnick

While patient portals are becoming increasingly popular in healthcare organizations, especially as more providers seek to attest to Stage 2 meaningful use, but many patients, caregivers, or legal...

25% of Physicians Won’t Be Ready for ICD-10 Implementation

by Jennifer Bresnick

There are only fifty-eight days until the ICD-10 deadline, yet only one in five physicians has even started conducting external testing with health plans or clearinghouses, WEDI says in a press release...