Health Information Governance

Top ten big data and healthcare analytics stories of 2013

by Jennifer Bresnick

HealthITAnalytics might have made its debut late in 2013, but in the few months since bursting onto the scene, it’s certainly made a splash.  Analytics is one of the hottest topics in healthcare...

Q&A: EHRs are just the first step towards healthcare analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

Since 2009, the healthcare industry has been intently focused on the thorny problem of EHR adoption.  Goaded on by meaningful use and barely able to keep their heads above water as they navigated the...

Top 5 healthcare analytics and big data trends of 2013

by Jennifer Bresnick

There might be a great deal of anticipation about the explosive growth of healthcare analytics in 2014, but 2013 was no slouch when it comes to technological advances and improvements in care quality,...

Analytics, EHR vendors partner to bring data to point of care

by Jennifer Bresnick

One of the chief complaints of healthcare organizations is that developing an IT infrastructure robust enough to perform meaningful analytics and streamlined quality reporting is simply too expensive in...

WEDI: Data exchange, payment reform key to healthcare success

by Jennifer Bresnick

Innovative strategies to engage patients, reform reimbursement models, and embrace new forms of patient-provider encounters will only succeed on a strong foundation of data integrity and information...

Concerned about tracking baby boomers? Sign them up online

by Jennifer Bresnick

If there’s one patient bracket that gets population health managers nervous, it’s the ever-expanding number of baby boomers eligible for Medicare.  How can providers track, manage, connect, and...

Can healthcare analytics mature if executives don’t trust it?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Even though data analytics is becoming increasingly vital to the way the world does business, some industries can still afford to view it as a “nice to have” item. Customers will still flock...

HIMSS unveils DELTA score for healthcare analytics maturity

by Jennifer Bresnick

The widely cited statistic that only the top 5% of hospitals have a robust data analytics infrastructure will be tested with a thorough assessment and a new maturity score released by HIMSS Analytics...

Is healthcare ready to get SMAC-ed around?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Social, mobile, analytics, cloud.  To the delight of pun-loving media, SMAC has become a cute shorthand way of saying what we’re all thinking: the four horsemen of the digital revolution are here to...

Analytics brings actionable data to Colorado Medicaid program

by Jennifer Bresnick

Colorado’s successful Accountable Care Collaborative (ACC) is working wonders for the state’s Medicaid programs, taking an unmanaged fee-for-service system into the future with a deeper focus on...

Can mHealth mature into a useful tool for preventive care?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare providers are searching for all the help they can get to dodge financial penalties for preventable readmissions, insufficient quality of care, and a lack of patient engagement, and...

Hospitals turn to integration for analytics, population health

by Jennifer Bresnick

As healthcare reform trundles onward, marrying improved technology systems with better data and a focus on accountability, health systems have been forced to take a closer look at how they do business,...

Cloud, predictive analytics helping healthcare inside and out

by Jennifer Bresnick

Cloud-based predictive analytics is helping healthcare organizations identify patient-facing clinical shortcomings while also helping to evaluate internal staffing processes, revenue opportunities, and...

Health IT vendors cash in with analytics, revenue solutions

by Jennifer Bresnick

Data analytics and revenue cycle management products are driving continued growth in the health IT market as providers seek technology-enabled methods of managing the enormous influx of information...

Do you need a data warehouse for good healthcare analytics?

by Jennifer Bresnick

The data warehouse is often seen as the holy grail of analytics tools.  A single, centralized, normalized data set containing every piece of information being used to produce reports leaves your...

Who needs to be on the team for healthcare analytics?

by Jennifer Bresnick

There’s no magic analytics genie waiting to transform your practice into an agile, data-savvy utopia.  It takes hard work, advanced planning, and buy-in from everyone involved in collecting, storing,...

Quick facts: How healthcare analytics can help your patients

by Jennifer Bresnick

Analytics is one of those things that sounds great but often takes a backseat to things like clearing the waiting room within a few hours and making sure medical students don’t accidentally kill...

Understanding the data warehouse model for healthcare analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

Without clean, standardized data that can be manipulated, translated, and exchanged when needed, an analytics program has no hope of getting off the ground.  After bringing clinical and financial...

Q&A: Key to healthcare analytics lies in full clinical record

by Jennifer Bresnick

For good analytics, you need more than good data.  You need all the data that exists on a patient in order to make truly informed decisions about treatments, costs, and outcomes.  But up to 80% of a...

30% of EHRs lack population health, reporting capabilities

by Jennifer Bresnick

One-third of electronic health record systems lack sufficient population health management and reporting capabilities to support in-depth analytics, according to a survey of 50 senior healthcare...