Healthcare Spending

Data Overload May Impede Healthcare Internet of Things Growth

by Jennifer Bresnick

The Internet of Things (IoT) may simply be too hot for the healthcare industry to handle as organizations continue to struggle with the huge amount of data produced by wearables, sensors, remote...

Breaking Down the Basics of the Patient-Centered Medical Home

by Jennifer Bresnick

As the healthcare industry moves away from traditional fee-for-service reimbursements towards a new era of accountable, cost-conscious, coordinated care, healthcare organizations are actively seeking new patient management strategies to...

Geisinger Patient-Centered Medical Home Cuts Care Costs by 9%

by Jennifer Bresnick

The debate over the true value of the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) continues with a new study by Geisinger Health System, which indicates that the comprehensive care framework may be able to...

Slavitt Urges Medicaid Big Data Analytics, SaaS Development

by Jennifer Bresnick

The nation’s fifty-six Medicaid agencies are in need of a big data analytics makeover, Acting CMS Administrator Andy Slavitt said in a blog post this week, and Silicon Valley developers are in the...

Could Blockchain Control Population Health Management Costs?

by Jennifer Bresnick

As the healthcare industry continues its journey from volume to value, payers and providers alike are continually seeking new strategies to contain costs, improve outcomes, and rise to the challenges of...

Healthcare Internet of Things, Big Data VC Funding Hits $1.4B

by Jacqueline LaPointe

In the first quarter of 2016, healthcare technology companies, including those focused on big data analytics and the healthcare Internet of Things, saw a significant spike in venture capital...