Healthcare Spending

Deep Learning Could Improve Cohort Selection for Clinical Trials

by Jessica Kent

Deep learning models showed promising results in learning key features for clinical trial cohort selection, which could significantly reduce time and costs, according to a study published in JAMIA. In...

AI Detects Patients Most Likely to Progress to Advanced Breast Cancer

by Jessica Kent

An artificial intelligence tool could make it easier to identify which patients diagnosed with pre-malignant breast cancer are likely to progress to invasive breast cancer and might benefit from...

CA Representative Reintroduces Precision Medicine Access Bill

by Jessica Kent

California representative Eric Swalwell recently reintroduced the bipartisan Advancing Access to Precision Medicine Act, which aims to increase the use of genomic and genetic testing for pediatric...

62% of Execs Have Implemented an Artificial Intelligence Strategy

by Jessica Kent

Healthcare industry leaders are ramping up their artificial intelligence implementation efforts, with just over 60 percent saying that they have adopted AI strategies in their organizations, according...

Machine Learning-Driven Scale Monitors Heart Failure Patients

by Jessica Kent

A medical monitoring scale uses machine learning to track symptoms in heart failure patients, and could potentially lead to fewer hospitalizations and lower care costs, according to research published...

Machine Learning Predicts Bleeding During Coronary Surgery

by Jessica Kent

Researchers at Texas A&M University have developed a machine learning algorithm that can determine the probability of a patient bleeding during or after they have heart surgery, which could help...

60% of Healthcare Execs Say They Use Predictive Analytics

by Jessica Kent

Sixty percent of healthcare executives are using predictive analytics within their organizations, according to a recent survey from the Society of Actuaries (SOA), and 20 percent of payers and...

Using a Real-Time Data Platform to Cut ED Visits, Care Costs

by Jessica Kent

In its tireless pursuit of better care at lower costs, the healthcare industry has consistently made unnecessary emergency department (ED) visits, hospital readmissions, and drug prescriptions primary...

Social Determinants Screenings Cut Hospital Admissions by Nearly 30%

by Jessica Kent

Medicaid members who receive community-based services, particularly those that emphasize screening for and addressing the social determinants of health, experienced a 26.3 percent drop in inpatient...

Optum, John Muir Health Use Data Analytics to Improve Patient Care

by Jessica Kent

Optum and John Muir Health have announced a comprehensive new partnership that will focus on using data analytics to help John Muir Health improve patient care and further advance its clinical and...

Machine Learning, Risk Scores Help Predict Hospital Readmissions

by Jessica Kent

Researchers at the University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS) have developed a machine learning model that creates risk scores to help clinicians identify which patients are at highest risk of...

Lack of Data Standards Hinders Patient Matching Improvements

by Jessica Kent

Healthcare executives believe that a lack of data standards and costs of solutions are major impediments to improved patient matching, according to a report from the Pew Charitable Trusts. Healthcare...

Machine Learning Predicts Drug Response in Patients with Crohn’s

by Jessica Kent

A machine learning model accurately predicted which patients with active Crohn’s would likely respond to treatment, which could lead to reduced costs and delayed remissions, a study published in...

AHRQ Announces Predictive Analytics, Inpatient Data Challenge

by Jessica Kent

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has announced a challenge competition to find new ways of applying predictive analytics to hospital inpatient data, which can help forecast trends...

Anthem Blue Cross, Stanford to Use AI for Price Transparency

by Jennifer Bresnick

Anthem Blue Cross will become the first founding member of a new Stanford University-based collaboration to accelerate the adoption of artificial intelligence in healthcare. The AI for Health...

Chronic Conditions Account for $8.3B in Avoidable ED Visits

by Jessica Kent

Emergency department (ED) visits for people with at least one chronic condition contributed to nearly 60 percent of all annual visits in 2017 and $8.3 billion in spending, says a report from...

CMS Aims to Address Senior Poverty, Social Determinants of Health

by Jessica Kent

To drive down healthcare costs for Medicare beneficiaries, CMS is expanding policies to reduce prescription drug prices, increase community partnerships, and foster technological innovations that will...

New Project Puts an Actuarial Eye on Big Data, Healthcare Costs

by Jessica Kent

Healthcare costs in the US are on the rise, with the industry spending billions each year to combat chronic disease, manage administrative tasks, and advance medical treatments. Although organizations...

MIT Targets Life Sciences with Clinical Trial Analytics Project

by Jessica Kent

The MIT Laboratory for Financial Engineering (LFE) and Informa Pharma Intelligence have launched an initiative to provide timely and accurate estimates of the risks and benefits of clinical trials to...