
UX, AI, and Amazon: Top 5 Healthcare Predictions for 2019

December 6, 2018 - 2018 was nothing if not eventful for the healthcare industry, and 2019 is already shaping up to be more of the same.  Between the federal urgency around enabling patient access to health data, the meteoric rise of artificial intelligence, and the complicated dance of non-traditional technology companies looking to one-up each other as they...

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Top 5 Use Cases for Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging

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Artificial intelligence and machine learning have captivate the healthcare industry as these innovative analytics strategies become more accurate and applicable to a variety of tasks. AI is...

10 High-Value Use Cases for Predictive Analytics in Healthcare

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As healthcare organizations develop more sophisticated big data analytics capabilities, they are beginning to move from basic descriptive analytics towards the realm of predictive insights. Predictive...

Top 10 Disruptive Companies to Watch in the Healthcare Space

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2018 has been a busy year for corporate news as companies with long experience in the healthcare industry acquire competitors, release new offerings, and butt up against non-traditional newcomers...

Top 5 Questions for Payers about Population Health Initiatives

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Identifying Big Data Sources for Population Health Management

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Effective population health management is beginning to require healthcare providers to rely heavily on big data derived from both their own health IT systems and from their business...

Big Data, FHIR, Machine Learning Dominate Top 10 Stories of 2017

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Five Blockchain Use Cases for Healthcare Payers, Providers

by Jennifer Bresnick

The distributed ledger methodology known as blockchain is piquing interest in the healthcare industry as organizations search for more secure and trusted strategies for managing big data.  By...

What Are the Social Determinants of Population Health?

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Big data analytics is turning out to be one of the toughest undertakings in recent memory for the healthcare industry.  Providers who have barely come to grips with putting data into their...

Understanding the Many V’s of Healthcare Big Data Analytics

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In an increasingly data-driven environment, healthcare business intelligence companies are offering hospitals the health IT tools they need to participate in value-based care, population health...

Top 4 Ways to Use Blockchain for Healthcare Data Management

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Five New Year’s Resolutions for Physicians and Health IT Pros

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It’s that time of the year again: time to finish up the last of the Christmas cookies, regret making plans to attend an overpriced New Year’s Eve event, and scribble down those resolutions...

4 Patient-Centric Uses for the Healthcare Internet of Things

by Jennifer Bresnick

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