
Top 5 Christmas Gifts for the Healthcare Big Data Analytics Pro

by Jennifer Bresnick

There may be only a few short hours left until Amazon stops guaranteeing deliveries by Christmas Day, but that’s still plenty of time to scratch the last few items off your list.  Ergonomic...

5 Questions to Prep for Healthcare Big Data Analytics in 2016

by Jennifer Bresnick

2015 may have been a big year for healthcare big data analytics, but the next twelve months are likely to bring even greater challenges for organizations investing in improved patient care quality...

10 Healthcare Big Data Analytics Outsourcing Mistakes to Avoid

by Jennifer Bresnick

Hospitals are trimming costs and cutting down on manpower requirements by outsourcing many of their healthcare big data analytics infrastructure, software, and application support needs, Black Book...

3 Ways to Win the EHR, Health IT Argument on Thanksgiving

by Jennifer Bresnick

There are a few universal truths about the great American Thanksgiving holiday.  The turkey is never cooked just right, the TV is on too loud, there’s that one family member that will...

Decoding the Top 10 Buzzwords of Healthcare Big Data Analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

Big data.  The Internet of Things.  Population health management.  Cognitive computing, machine learning, natural language processing, and informatics.  PQRS, CPOE, MU, BI, and...

Top Five Reasons Why Providers Hate the EHR Incentive Programs

by Jennifer Bresnick

“Hate” may seem like a strong word to use for describing a series of regulations intended to improve the quality and delivery of patient care, but it barely scratches the surface for many...

Six Foundational Steps for Better Population Health Management

by Jennifer Bresnick

As value-based reimbursement and accountable care continue their march towards dominance in the evolving healthcare ecosystem, robust and effective population health management techniques are quickly...

What Are the 5 Key Challenges to Health Data Interoperability?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Over the past few months, critics of the EHR Incentive Programs have been gathering ammunition for the argument that federal efforts to advance health IT adoption are out of step with the actual state...