Value-based Care

Healthcare Orgs Struggle to Meet EHR, Big Data Workforce Needs

by Jennifer Bresnick

ORLANDO – Talent shortages, differing priorities, and a chronic inability to achieve ROI from electronic health records are leaving healthcare providers without the resources, staff, and...

CIOs Focus on EHR Optimization for Population Health, Analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

Meaningful use may already be entering its sunset years, but healthcare CIOs are still wrestling with the very basics of electronic health record optimization as they towards a future where population...

Value-Based Care Fuels Healthcare Big Data Analytics Market

by Sara Heath

The healthcare big data analytics market is expected to increase as the industry shifts from fee-for-service to value-based care models, according to a recent report from Market Research...

Blockchain, Big Data, Interoperability Coming Up at HIMSS17

by Jennifer Bresnick

In just a few short days, will be heading to the happiest place on earth – the annual HIMSS Conference and Exhibition – to sync up with tens of thousands of health IT...

NY Medicaid Review Will Promote Cost Cutting, Big Data Analytics

by Thomas Beaton

The University at Albany’s Institute for Health System Evaluation (IHSE) will lead a $3.9 million effort to review the effectiveness of the state’s Medicaid program. In partnership with...

Data Exchange, Analytics Remain Out of Reach for Many Providers

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare organizations are still struggling with the basics of health information exchange and interoperability, with more than 40 percent of respondents to a new Black Book Research poll admitting...

Why Value-Based Care Must Inspire Partnerships, Data Exchange

by Jennifer Bresnick

The only constant in the healthcare industry is change, but many providers are still working on their ability to keep up with the latest developments in population health management, value-based...

95% See Population Health as Critical, but Worry about Payment

by Thomas Beaton

While the vast majority of healthcare organizations view population health management as a critical part of their financial future, providers are experiencing several challenges as they try to...

Which Population Health Companies Get Top Marks for Value?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Investing in a population health management system is a big financial and cultural commitment for most healthcare organizations, and not one to be undertaken lightly.  With workflow worries,...

Slavitt: Affordable Care Act Uncertainty Threatens Value-Based Care

by Jennifer Bresnick

Since the November 8 election, proponents of the Affordable Care Act have been nervously eyeing the executioner’s axe hanging above President Obama’s signature healthcare reform package,...

IBM Bets Big on Blockchain for Value-Based Care, Data Exchange

by Jennifer Bresnick

Blockchain may be one of the newest terms to join healthcare’s pantheon of big data buzzwords, but it is quickly becoming one of the most important.  The decentralized approach to data...

Population Health, Big Data Strategies Could Reduce $2B Waste

by Jennifer Bresnick

The employer-based health insurance industry leaks approximately $2 billion each year due to wasteful or preventable spending across the care continuum, according to a new report by the American Health...

What Will 2017 Bring for Healthcare Analytics, Interoperability?

by Jennifer Bresnick

After a tumultuous end to 2016, healthcare providers may be looking for a chance to catch their breath before diving back into solving some of the industry’s most intractable problems. ...

Dental Care is the Missing Piece of Population Health Management

by Jennifer Bresnick

The care continuum may be drawing closer together as value-based care creates new business cases for population health management, yet one segment of the healthcare delivery system has been chronically...

Time Needed to Improve Quality in Value-Based Care Programs

by Jacqueline LaPointe

Sustained value-based care program participation is key to realizing greater quality improvements for high-need patients that have two or more chronic conditions, a new American Journal of Managed...

Using Risk Scores, Stratification for Population Health Management

by Jennifer Bresnick

Population health management requires providers to maintain a delicate balance between taking a long view of generalized patient trends and focusing personal attention on the individual and the distinctive circumstances that will influence...

Medicaid Savings Require Integrated Physical, Mental Healthcare

by Jennifer Bresnick

Integrated population health management strategies are foundational for cutting costs and improving outcomes for Medicaid beneficiaries with complex behavioral, clinical, and mental healthcare needs,...

4 Partnership Steps for Addressing Social Determinates of Health

by Jennifer Bresnick

A successful population health management program must be built on strong, engaging, and collaborative community partnerships in order to tackle the social determinates of health for needy patients,...

Patient-Reported Outcomes Use Relies on Health IT Usability

by Sara Heath

While patient-reported outcomes (PRO) data may not detract from primary patient care, it also might not help, says a study recently published in the American Journal of Managed Care. In order to make...

Can Blockchain Give Healthcare Payers Better Analytical Insight?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Blockchain may be starting to settle in to the financial industry as a secure methodology for tracking and approving transactions, but its use cases for other sectors, including the healthcare market,...