Value-based Care

CMS Finalizes Annual List of Value-Based Care Quality Measures

by Jennifer Bresnick

CMS has put the finishing touches on its yearly list of quality measures under consideration for use in Medicare value-based care purchasing programs, the agency announced this week.  The list,...

Prioritizing Preventive Value-Based Care with Big Data Analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

The old adage that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is nowhere more applicable than in the primary care setting, where healthcare organizations moving to value-based care...

Value-Based Care Starts with Basic Population Health Management

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare organizations and their payer partners are learning very quickly that the transition from volume to value-based care is significantly more complicated than signing on the dotted line to...

How Population Health in Med School Preps Docs for Value-Based Care

by Jennifer Bresnick

The healthcare industry is a curious mix of cutting-edge innovation and deeply entrenched traditions. Staggeringly complex surgical technologies, electronic health records, and interventions tailored to...

ACOs Lack Resources, Skills for Population Health Management

by Jennifer Bresnick

Accountable care organizations are having difficulty developing and deploying successful population health management programs due to the underlying challenges of coordinating with community services...

AHIMA: Information Governance is Key for Trusted Healthcare Analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

Implementing a robust and comprehensive information governance framework across the healthcare organization is the first step to success in a value-based word that demands trusted, accurate, and timely...

Healthcare Analytics, Information Governance Will Build a Future for HIM

by Jennifer Bresnick

The health information management profession is changing at a blistering pace as the industry moves from volume to value, requiring HIM professionals to embrace new roles in data analytics, information...

AHIMA 2016: Expect Big Data Governance, MACRA, Value-Based Care

by Jennifer Bresnick

The final rule for the MACRA Quality Payment Program isn’t the only thing that’s going to be generating buzz across the healthcare industry next week.  As the 88th annual AHIMA...

EHR Vendors Increasingly Offering Population Health Tools

by Jennifer Bresnick

The lines between the EHR and population health management marketplaces are becoming less distinct as health IT vendors start to deliver offerings that tackle both documentation and patient management,...

CMS: MACRA Will Improve Rural Care Access, Population Health

by Jennifer Bresnick

The MACRA Quality Payment Program (QPP) will play an instrumental role in continuing to improve access to care and population health for patients living in rural areas by encouraging providers to...

EHR Optimization is Key for Quality Reporting, Population Health

by Jennifer Bresnick

Even before the EHR Incentive Programs made quality reporting a top priority for the provider community, the healthcare industry has struggled greatly with the notion of quantifying excellence in...

Smart Big Data is Key to Population Health, Value-Based Care

by Jennifer Bresnick

Big data is everywhere in the healthcare industry, flooding in by the gigabyte each time a patient seeks care from a provider.   From intake to discharge and every step in between, a...

ONC Playbook Breaks Down Health IT, EHR Tasks and Buzzwords

by Jennifer Bresnick

The healthcare industry seems to be largely driven by buzzwords: quick and snappy phrases that reduce complex, difficult, expensive and often confusing initiatives into keywords that may not mean much...

Which Healthcare Big Data, Business Intelligence Vendors Are Most Popular?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Electronic health records may have reached a whopping 96 percent of hospitals in 2016, but healthcare providers have not yet reached such great heights when it comes to purchasing and implementing business intelligence (BI) tools that...

Value Proposition Hard to Find for Care Coordination Tools

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare providers may be having a hard time justifying the time and expense required to implement care coordination tools due to the relatively limited value proposition for investment and persistent...

How to Get Started with a Population Health Management Program

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare providers are well aware by now that there is no magic solution to the incredibly complex conundrum of systemic reform.  Depending on who you ask, the answer to the puzzle of the Triple Aim is either more technology, less...

Psychosocial Data, Big Data Analytics Can Improve Patient Care

by Clay Richards

The fact that health outcomes tend to be worse for patients in poverty or who have lower levels of education should come as no surprise to many clinicians. But most hospitals have only worked around the...

Why Aren’t Hospitals Using Patient-Reported Outcomes Data?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Of all the big data sources healthcare organizations can use for clinical decision-making, patient-reported outcomes (PROs) seem to be at the bottom of the priority list for hospitals.  Despite...

CMS Selects 516 Orgs for Population Health Management Program

by Jacqueline LaPointe

According to a recent announcement, CMS has selected 516 participants to join the Million Hearts Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction Model, a five-year population health management initiative designed...

Value-Based Care to Spur New Population Health Management Tools

by Jennifer Bresnick

Value-based care and risk-based reimbursement contracts will continue to be a catalyst for the development and implementation of innovative population health management tools, according to a new report...