Health Information Governance

AHIMA: More Organizations Embrace Information Governance

by Jessica Kent

More organizations are implementing information governance (IG) strategies as they increasingly understand that accurate, reliable data will allow them to succeed in the changing healthcare landscape,...

Big Data Analytics, Governance Align CHI’s 100+ Hospitals

by Jennifer Bresnick

No matter what their scope or scale, healthcare organizations continue to struggle with developing the data analytics and governance competencies to gain much-needed visibility into their opportunities...

AI, mHealth Apps Aid Clinical Trials, but Adoption is Slow

by Jessica Kent

Artificial intelligence (AI) and mHealth applications can accelerate clinical trial innovation by enhancing patient participation and optimizing efficiency, but organizational resistance and...

Data Governance, Transparency Required for Patient-Centered Care

by Jessica Kent

In order to deliver high-value patient-centered care, healthcare stakeholders need to establish policies to improve data governance, data transparency, and access to key information within health IT...

3 Keys to Drive Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

by Jessica Kent

For artificial intelligence in healthcare to grow, organizations must improve implementation strategies, data management, and leadership training, according to an Infosys report. The cross-industry...

CIOs: FHIR Has Potential, Blockchain Overhyped in Healthcare

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare CIOs are proceeding cautiously with their health IT innovation projects as they balance industry hype around emerging technologies like blockchain with the promises of FHIR and big data...

AHIMA: Focus on Healthcare Big Data Analytics, Informatics in 2018

by Jessica Kent

The need for big data analytics, improved informatics, and stronger information governance will be some of the top issues for healthcare organizations in 2018, according to a recent article from the...

EHR Documentation Burdens Bring Usability, Satisfaction Declines

by Jessica Kent

EHR adoption rates among ophthalmologists are up to 72.1 percent, according to a survey published in JAMA Ophthalmology, but satisfaction is on the decline due to significant documentation and...

ONC Focuses on Data Governance with Patient Matching Framework

by Jennifer Bresnick

The Office of the National Coordinator, in conjunction with CMMI institute, has released a new patient identification and patient matching framework to help ensure accurate care across an increasingly...

AHIMA Offers Clinical Documentation Tips for Opioid Abuse

by Jennifer Bresnick

Substance use disorders (SUDs) are becoming devastatingly common as the opioid abuse epidemic rages on, but providers may not be creating clinical documentation with a high enough quality to use in SUD...

“Basic Science” of Healthcare Big Data Analytics Still Needs Work

by Jennifer Bresnick

The healthcare industry still needs to focus on developing the foundational building blocks of big data analytics by creating and implementing meaningful data standards, says the American Medical...

Early Adopters Question Usefulness, Maturity of AI in Healthcare

by Jennifer Bresnick

Adoption of business intelligence and clinical intelligence tools is on the rise as healthcare organizations equip themselves with the health IT infrastructure required to succeed with value-based...

Navigating the Hype of Healthcare Artificial Intelligence Companies

by Jennifer Bresnick

Few phrases in the healthcare IT world conjure up quite as much excitement as “artificial intelligence.”  Sweeping through vendor marketing teams like a tidal wave of opportunity, nearly every technology company has at...

Information Governance Gaining Ground in Healthcare Organizations

by Jennifer Bresnick

Information governance (IG) initiatives are becoming easier to find in the healthcare industry as organizations recognize that the growing volume and value of big data require a coordinated...

Coding, CDI Outsourcing Improve Case Mix, Healthcare Data Integrity

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare organizations that partner with coding and clinical documentation improvement (CDI) outsourcing experts have seen more accurate claims coding, increased case mix indexes, and enhanced...

Five Blockchain Use Cases for Healthcare Payers, Providers

by Jennifer Bresnick

The distributed ledger methodology known as blockchain is piquing interest in the healthcare industry as organizations search for more secure and trusted strategies for managing big data.  By...

Big Data, AI Rapidly Transforming the CIO Role in Healthcare

by Jennifer Bresnick

Few roles in the healthcare industry are exempt from the transformative effects of big data analytics, and the Chief Information Officer (CIO) position is surely not one of them.  CIOs are...

Blockchain Activity Grows Sharply for Healthcare Payers, Providers

by Jennifer Bresnick

Blockchain has come to healthcare in a big way during 2017, generating significant interest among providers and payers as an innovative way to bolster data exchange while keeping sensitive information...

56% of Hospitals Lack Big Data Governance, Analytics Plans

by Jennifer Bresnick

Despite growing excitement and high investment in big data analytics to support ongoing innovation in healthcare, long-term planning and data governance are not a very strong suit for the majority of...

Illinois Aims to Put Baby’s First Health Data on the Blockchain

by Jennifer Bresnick

Babies born in Illinois may soon have one of their foundational health documents stored on the blockchain.  The state, which is taking the lead in exploring the use of blockchain for...