Health Information Governance

Using Visual Analytics, Big Data Dashboards for Healthcare Insights

by Jennifer Bresnick

The need to make sense of big data is quickly becoming an imperative in the healthcare industry, demanding a degree of time, skill, attention, and resources that many providers simply do not have to spare.  While changing payment...

Will Big Data Analytics Rescue Lackluster Electronic Health Records?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Big data analytics are “extremely important” for helping healthcare organizations see a return on their electronic health records (EHRs) investments, according to 83 percent of stakeholders...

Patient Matching, Health IT Standards Critical for Interoperability

by Jennifer Bresnick

Trustworthy interoperability of accurate, meaningful, and timely health data must be predicated upon reliable patient matching techniques and widely shared health IT standard, states the Pew Charitable...

Healthcare Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Tools Bring Big Investments

by Jennifer Bresnick

Artificial intelligence and cognitive computing systems may be attracting a lot of hype across the healthcare industry, but the developers of these innovative data analytics techniques are already...

How Big Data Analytics Underpins Every Healthcare Trend

by Jennifer Bresnick

While the concept of leveraging big data analytics has quickly moved from cutting-edge novelty to fundamental competency for healthcare organizations, many providers still struggle to turn information...

Health Data Analytics a “Competitive Differentiator” for Payers

by Jennifer Bresnick

A robust and wide-ranging big data analytics strategy can be a “competitive differentiator” for health insurance payers seeking actionable insights to help them succeed with value-based...

AMIA: Health Informatics Can Help Overcome the Big Data “Deluge”

by Jennifer Bresnick

Organizations that wish to avoid drowning in the big data deluge should turn to the life raft of health informatics, which can help providers and researchers better use data to produce meaningful...

By 2025, Blockchain, IoT, Machine Learning Will Converge in Healthcare

by Jennifer Bresnick

Within the next five to ten years, healthcare organizations are likely to have access to integrated health IT platforms based on an emerging set of information management technologies including...

Top 10 Challenges of Big Data Analytics in Healthcare

by Jennifer Bresnick

Big data analytics is turning out to be one of the toughest undertakings in recent memory for the healthcare industry.  Providers who have barely come to grips with putting data into their...

Understanding the Many V’s of Healthcare Big Data Analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

Extracting actionable insights from big data analytics – and perhaps especially healthcare big data analytics – is one of the most complex challenges that organizations can face in the...

Data Integrity Strategies for Patient Matching, Identification

by Jennifer Bresnick

Patient matching errors are an insidious but all-too-common threat to patient safety in the healthcare setting.  While providers have generally embraced the idea that a patient’s electronic record should follow her from the...

HIM Pros Must Shift from Coding to Health Informatics, Analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

The health information management (HIM) profession is in the middle of a seismic shift as healthcare informatics and big data analytics become increasingly prized skills across the...

Nurse Informaticists Can “Triage” EHR Optimization Problems

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare organizations still struggling to improve clinical workflows and address persistent EHR optimization and usability problems often turn first to their vendors in order to seek help with...

Health Information Management Pros Need Security, EHR Data Skills

by Jennifer Bresnick

The health information management (HIM) profession is changing rapidly alongside the evolving needs of healthcare organizations concerned about the quality of their EHR data – and their ability...

How Do Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Differ in Healthcare?

by Jennifer Bresnick

If the futurists, visionaries, and venture capitalists are to be believed, artificial intelligence is right on the cusp of becoming the most important breakthrough for healthcare since penicillin.  Self-driving cars, scary-smart...

New Medical Scribe Exam Keeps an Eye on EHR Data Integrity

by Jennifer Bresnick

A new national certification program for medical scribes will help to guide the growth of a profession that has seen a massive surge in demand since the advent of the electronic health record. Medical...

ONC Offers $75K for Better EHR Patient Matching Algorithms

by Jennifer Bresnick

The Office of the National Coordinator is intensifying its focus on patient identification and patient matching by offering up to $75,000 in prize money for the best new tool to ensure that EHR data is...

AHIMA: ONC Funding Key for Interoperability, Precision Medicine

by Jennifer Bresnick

As Congress continues the contentious debate over the federal budget for fiscal year 2018, AHIMA is urging lawmakers not to hamstring the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) by cutting...

Top 4 Ways to Use Blockchain for Healthcare Data Management

by Jennifer Bresnick

Along with machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, blockchain has rapidly risen to become one of the healthcare industry’s most talked-about...

AMIA, Dryad Partner for Healthcare Research Big Data Access

by Jennifer Bresnick

The American Medical Informatics Association and the Dryad Digital Repository have announced a new partnership that will expand the availability of healthcare research big data for the validation,...