Business Intelligence

Healthcare Analytics Market Sees Shakeup Early in 2015

by Jennifer Bresnick

A vigorous start to 2015 from the healthcare analytics market indicates the sector’s growing maturity as vendors capitalize on the industry’s woes. “Growth” is the name of the...

Making the Financial Argument for Population Health Management

by Jennifer Bresnick

The healthcare industry has had a difficult journey over the past few years as organizations struggle to automate their processes, become increasingly accountable to federal authorities, and attempt to...

Most States Lack Transparent Physician Quality Reporting Data

by Jennifer Bresnick

The majority of US states received a failing grade for patient access to complete, accurate, and transparent physician quality reporting data, found the Health Care Incentives Improvement Institute...

UnitedHealthcare Expands Bundled Payments for Cancer Care

by Jennifer Bresnick

Bundled payments for cancer care aim to reduce costs, improve standardization of treatments, and encourage transparency. UnitedHealthcare is expanding its bundled payments program for cancer treatments...

Payers Say Healthcare Data Analytics Is “Unprepared to Evolve”

by Jennifer Bresnick

Why do payers think that healthcare data analytics won’t be able to rise to the challenges of cost-cutting and other reforms? Healthcare might be at the very beginning of its journey towards...

Healthcare Quality, Cost Data Websites Fall Short for Consumers

by Jennifer Bresnick

The suite of CMS Compare websites lacks meaningful healthcare quality and cost information for Medicare patients, GAO states in a new report. CMS could be doing a better job in presenting healthcare...

Predictive Analytics Market Set to Grow at 24.5% CAGR

by Jennifer Bresnick

The $694.7 million predictive analytics market in North America is slated to grow at a 24.5% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) until 2019, says a new report by MicroMarket Monitor.   The global...

Confusion, Conflicts, Security Woes Hamper Big Data Adoption

by Jennifer Bresnick

Adoption of big data analytics faces a number of hurdles, despite the perception of analytics as a key driver for growth. Big data analytics may be a top priority for healthcare providers, but only 56%...

What Does the “Internet of Things” Mean for Healthcare?

by Jennifer Bresnick

How can healthcare harness the Internet of Things for richer clinical analytics and population health management? The “Internet of Things” may seem like yet another vaguely visionary buzzword, but...

84% of Struggling Hospitals Put Population Health on Hold

by Jennifer Bresnick

Population health management is on the back burner for the majority of hospitals attempting to retool their revenue cycle infrastructure. The majority of financially struggling hospitals may be pinning...

HIMSS Analytics: CAC Tools Slated for Growth Ahead of ICD-10

by Jennifer Bresnick

Computer assisted coding (CAC) applications are becoming increasingly popular in hospitals as healthcare organizations gear up for ICD-10, according to the latest HIMSS Analytics Essentials of the US...

Navigating the Complexity of Quality Measure Reporting

by Sponsored Content

In this fifth post of this series, we discuss the challenge posed by the complex and rapidly growing quality measurement ecosystem, and the steps we took to find our way out of that measure...

Top 5% of chronic disease patients spend 29.7% of care costs

by Jennifer Bresnick

It may come as no surprise that complex chronic disease management is an expensive proposition for the healthcare industry, but new data from AHRQ finds that the top 5% of patients with four or more...

Analytics infrastructure: Designing the master patient index

by Sponsored Content

In the last article of this series, we discussed the power of an effective data connector and several important considerations that must go into a robust extract-transfer-load process. What we, along...

Data analytics, patient engagement to be worth $6.5B in 2017

by Jennifer Bresnick

Digital health entrepreneurs who focus on coveted technologies such as data analytics infrastructure, patient engagement tools, and population health management products are on track to reap rewards of...

Is healthcare set for a big data revolution with IBM Watson?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Many healthcare organizations are still working on understanding how clinical and financial data can be transformed into actionable insights, but IBM’s Watson supercomputer may be speeding up the...

Using the EHR to dive into data mining, clinical analytics

by Sponsored Content

In the first post of this series, we introduced the power of electronic health record (EHR) data and how it can completely transform a health system’s view on operations and quality. Moving...

Cognizant buys analytics firm TriZetto for $2.7 billion

by Jennifer Bresnick

In a bid to expand its healthcare footprint, Cognizant Technology Solutions, an outsourcing and consulting firm, has agreed to buy healthcare analytics company TriZetto for $2.7 billion.  Together, the...

Survey: Big data analytics is just as important as the internet

by Jennifer Bresnick

The vast majority of big data users are pleased with the results of their forays into data analytics, Accenture says in a new report, and 61% of businesses now believe that bigger and better data is...

Is analytics more important than ICD-10, population health?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Hospital executives may be so intent on building a serviceable data analytics infrastructure that they are putting ICD-10, value-based reimbursement contracts, and population health management programs...