Business Intelligence

Multidisciplinary statisticians will further healthcare big data

by Jennifer Bresnick

A multidisciplinary approach with an emphasis on statistics and scientific thinking will be critical for harnessing and leveraging big data in healthcare, says a new white paper from the American...

Investors jumping at clinical analytics, chronic disease care

by Jennifer Bresnick

Vendors of clinical analytics and chronic disease management platforms are finding it a good time to be in business as investors jump at the chance to give promising developers a financial boost. ...

CVS changes name, stops stocking tobacco ahead of schedule

by Jennifer Bresnick

After announcing earlier this year that it would no longer offer tobacco products in an effort to transition into the patient care space, CVS stores have followed through with their promise nearly a...

Battling bad data to grow market share with big data

by Sponsored Content

The healthcare industry is undergoing dramatic changes, including shifting market dynamics, stricter regulatory requirements, and a demanding, consumer-centric marketplace. In the middle of it all is...

Cross-industry collaboration is key for healthcare analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

Even the most enthusiastic data analytics advocate would be hard pressed to argue that the healthcare industry is on the cutting edge of adopting and leveraging data science techniques to solve some of...

Market roundup: Big data, text analytics, Hadoop set to grow

by Jennifer Bresnick

The current rush to unlock the power of big data for healthcare analytics is leading to some significant business opportunities in a variety of market segments according to the latest crop of reports...

10% of ED visits are avoidable and could save $3.8B a year

by Jennifer Bresnick

One in ten emergency department visits are for conditions that do not require emergency services and could be better treated through primary or urgent care, a study by Healthentic has found,...

Predictive analytics tool pinpoints future doc shortages

by Jennifer Bresnick

Researchers at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill have developed an interactive online tool to help healthcare organizations tackle one of the most insidious challenges to a sustainable care...

Healthcare and big data: From dictatorship to democracy

by Sponsored Content

Data development and analytics within commercial life sciences enterprises are moving from a dictatorship to a democracy – a shift with serious implications for enterprise data management.  ...

“Most Wired” hospitals heavy on clinical analytics, engagement

by Jennifer Bresnick

The 16th annual “Most Wired” hospitals survey has produced a crop of healthcare organizations with a few big things in common: clinical analytics, patient engagement, robust EHR use, and a...

Can upfront cancer care payment cut costs by 34 percent?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Bundled payments for cancer treatments, which covered an entire “episode of care” for a single patient, resulted in a 34% reduction of overall medical costs, says a report detailing the outcomes of...

CMS will institute five star hospital quality ratings system

by Jennifer Bresnick

CMS is taking a page out of the online retail industry’s book by instating a simple five star rating system for hospitals to be included on its Hospital Compare website, says Dr. Patrick Conway, CMS...

Nearly 34% of business intelligence, big data users pick Epic

by Jennifer Bresnick

Epic Systems doesn’t just have the hospital EHR market locked down – they’re a heavy favorite in the business intelligence arena, as well.  According to software adoption statistics from the...

Survey: CMIOs feeling crunched by finding value in health IT

by Jennifer Bresnick

While chief medical information officers (CMIOs) are generally satisfied with their role in fostering clinical analytics and overseeing health IT infrastructures in hospitals and health systems, they...

82% of hospitals using cloud services for HIE, data storage

by Jennifer Bresnick

More than 80% of hospitals are currently using cloud-based services for vital infrastructure tasks such as health information exchange, data backup and storage, and disaster recovery, reports HIMSS...

Clinical analytics market to reach $12.26 billion in 2019

by Jennifer Bresnick

The clinical analytics technology market is slated to grow at a 44.15% CAGR to reach $12.26 billion by 2019, says a Research and Markets report, growing exponentially as providers leverage EHR...

Struggling hospitals hold off on population health, analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

Eighty-four percent of financially insecure hospitals are putting off investments in population health management and clinical analytics infrastructure, says a new survey by Black Book Rankings,...

Docs see promise in population health, patient engagement

by Jennifer Bresnick

Patient engagement programs that lead to better population health management are among the few things physicians are looking forward to in 2014 amid a rather gloomy outlook for the future of...

Can healthcare model patient engagement on other industries?

by Jennifer Bresnick

You don’t have to be an avid coupon-clipper to know that getting rewards for taking small actions is a nice feeling.  The idea of earning points, discounts, and free merchandise for allowing yourself...

Half of hospitals plan data analytics, health IT purchases

by Jennifer Bresnick

About half of hospitals are planning to make significant investments in data analytics infrastructure and other health IT needs, says a survey by Premier Inc., with spending on clinical healthcare...