Business Intelligence

Health Catalyst scoops up $41M for analytics, data warehousing

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare’s thirst for data analytics is driving some very large investments for some very lucky companies, including Health Catalyst.  The data warehousing and analytics firm just locked down $41...

Why have hospitals stopped buying data analytics infrastructure?

by Jennifer Bresnick

In consumer technology, trends are all about the next big thing.  The most recent generation of cell phone with the coolest features will always attract buyers who need to have the latest and...

Quality, patient safety in the ED nearly flunk ACEP report card

by Jennifer Bresnick

Access to safe and high quality emergency care for American patients is in need of an after-school tutorial.  The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) has issued its 2014 state-by-state...

IL Medicaid experiments with pop. health, clinical integration

by Jennifer Bresnick

Illinois’ State Medicaid programs are experimenting with accountable care initiatives including more robust population health management and a focus on care coordination and clinical integration...

IBM pours $1 billion into big data with Watson supercomputer

by Jennifer Bresnick

The Jeopardy! champion supercomputer is retiring from the glamour of game shows and getting its servers dirty with some serious analytics work.  While Watson has already been given a crash-course...

Evidence for PCMH success builds with lower costs, ED visits

by Jennifer Bresnick

The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model has been proven successful in reducing overall healthcare spending, unnecessary emergency department visits, and inpatient admissions in 61% of...

Study: Nonwhites have 33% higher post-surgical mortality rate

by Jennifer Bresnick

A study performed by researchers at the University of Michigan Health System reveals a disturbing 33% disparity between the mortality rates of white patients after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)...

OhioHealth uses big data analytics to increase hand hygiene

by Jennifer Bresnick

Using wireless sensors to collect real-time data on hand washing, hospital network OhioHealth and IBM will be able to gauge staff member hygiene and hopefully curtail the spread of deadly superbugs like...

Performance analytics for residents help quality benchmarking

by Jennifer Bresnick

Clinicians at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine are currently evaluating the effectiveness of automated, real-time feedback system that extracts EHR data that provides performance reports for...

Clinical, performance analytics key to accountable care

by Jennifer Bresnick

Health IT that enables clinical, financial, and performance analytics is critical to the success of accountable care, according to IDC Health Insights.  Providers can no longer just rely on their EHRs...

PCCI, UTSW get funding for clinical translational research

by Jennifer Bresnick

Non-profit research center PCCI and the University of Texas Southwestern have announced $30 million in funding to advance their work in clinical translational research provided by the National...

ECRI: Big data among top health IT issues for execs in 2014

by Jennifer Bresnick

Hospital executives have their hands full these days trying to keep their facilities financially viable while maintaining high quality care and the best possible outcomes for an increasingly complex...

Three ways big data is poised to change the face of healthcare

by Jennifer Bresnick

“Big data” is one of those terms that means everything and nothing to healthcare.  The data gathered by hospitals, physician providers, health information exchanges, and pharmacies can be applied...

HIM, healthcare analytics staff bringing in big salaries

by Jennifer Bresnick

Many healthcare organizations might still be questioning the long-term ROI of EHR, analytics, and other HIT investments, but data-driven healthcare is already bringing great rewards for the staff...

What will a clinical informatics focus mean for physicians?

by Jennifer Bresnick

The 400 physicians who passed the inaugural clinical informatics subspecialty exam this fall will have a significant burden on their shoulders as they lead the way towards a closer alignment of data...

Clinical informatics becomes board-certified subspecialty

by Jennifer Bresnick

While nurses have long dominated the burgeoning field of clinical informatics, they will be soon be gaining some valuable new partners among their physician colleagues.  The American Medical...

Q&A: EHRs are just the first step towards healthcare analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

Since 2009, the healthcare industry has been intently focused on the thorny problem of EHR adoption.  Goaded on by meaningful use and barely able to keep their heads above water as they navigated the...

Five ways to improve quality through hospital benchmarking

by Jennifer Bresnick

The goal of every hospital is to provide the highest level of quality care while maintaining financial solvency and an excellent reputation.  The measurement of these goals is becoming ever more...

As big data takes over, how will healthcare analytics stack up?

by Jennifer Bresnick

You can’t take two steps in mid-December without tripping over a prediction for what will happen in the following year, but that’s not such a bad thing when you’re talking about predictive...

Why are hospitals wary of accountable care organizations?

by Jennifer Bresnick

The march of the accountable care organization (ACO) might not be as inexorable as many experts have predicted, according to a new survey conducted by Purdue Healthcare Advisors (PHA), which found that...