Business Intelligence

Big Data, PCP Engagement Aid Mount Sinai with Population Health

by Jennifer Bresnick

While the majority of healthcare organizations have at least recognized the importance of population health management, large integrated delivery systems with hundreds of locations and thousands of...

How the Healthcare “Value Chain” Leads to Big Data Analytics Success

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare organizations may come in many different sizes, shapes, and specialties, but all providers working in the industry today have one major trait in common: their big data is getting bigger by...

Business Intelligence Tools Bring Insights to Organ Donation Network

by Jennifer Bresnick

Many healthcare provider organizations have made the adoption of business intelligence tools a top priority, but they are not the only members of the vast and varied care continuum in search of...

Top 5 Reasons to be Thankful for Healthcare Big Data Analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

As Thanksgiving rolls around once again, bringing with it the heady scent of roasting turkey and apple pie, healthcare providers and hard-working support staff will gather around their dining room...

47% of IT Pros Say Their Executives are Big Data “Illiterate”

by Jennifer Bresnick

The healthcare industry may be in the midst of some of the biggest changes in its history, but close to half of executive leaders may not be entirely sure about the details of the digital revolution...

A Mere 3% of LTPAC Orgs Have Healthcare Data Analytics Tools

by Jennifer Bresnick

Only a miniscule percentage of long-term and post-acute care (LTPAC) organizations are leveraging health IT to conduct data analytics that would help reduce costs or prevent readmissions, says a new...

Healthcare Financial Analytics, Business Intelligence Market Takes Off

by Jennifer Bresnick

Financial analytics and business intelligence tools are poised to become the next major area of investment for healthcare providers and payers, predicts a new series of market reports. As hospitals...

Early Adopters Question Usefulness, Maturity of AI in Healthcare

by Jennifer Bresnick

Adoption of business intelligence and clinical intelligence tools is on the rise as healthcare organizations equip themselves with the health IT infrastructure required to succeed with value-based...

70% of Healthcare Execs Pin Growth to Big Data Analytics Skills

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare organizations that successfully cultivate their big data analytics skills are anticipating a significant competitive advantage over those who fail to make the transition to the digital...

Big Data Analytics, Population Health Top Executive Priority List

by Jennifer Bresnick

Big data analytics and population health management are among the top priorities for healthcare executives in 2018 as organizations attempt to navigate an uncertain regulatory landscape while improving...

Big Data, AI Rapidly Transforming the CIO Role in Healthcare

by Jennifer Bresnick

Few roles in the healthcare industry are exempt from the transformative effects of big data analytics, and the Chief Information Officer (CIO) position is surely not one of them.  CIOs are...

Big Data, Health IT Innovation for Hospitals Risks Stagnation

by Jennifer Bresnick

Productive partnerships and more effective management processes are a fundamental requirement for hospitals and health systems seeking to harness their big data assets for digital innovation, says a...

Using Visual Analytics, Big Data Dashboards for Healthcare Insights

by Jennifer Bresnick

The need to make sense of big data is quickly becoming an imperative in the healthcare industry, demanding a degree of time, skill, attention, and resources that many providers simply do not have to spare.  While changing payment...

Will Big Data Analytics Rescue Lackluster Electronic Health Records?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Big data analytics are “extremely important” for helping healthcare organizations see a return on their electronic health records (EHRs) investments, according to 83 percent of stakeholders...

Epic Systems Leads in Hospital EHR, Business Intelligence Adoption

by Jennifer Bresnick

Health IT giant Epic Systems maintains an edge over its closest competitors in the hospital inpatient and outpatient EHR space, and continues to gain ground in the lucrative business intelligence...

The Difference Between Clinical Decision Support, Big Data Analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare organizations have a lot of options to choose from when it comes to leveraging their growing big data assets.  From population health platforms and supply chain management tools to...

Leveraging Business Intelligence for Healthcare Management

by Jennifer Bresnick

Considering that the phrase “value-based care” is almost always immediately followed by a discussion about how to trim inefficiencies and improve patient outcomes, few industries are more in need of comprehensive insight into...

Data Mining, Big Data Analytics in Healthcare: What’s the Difference?

by Jennifer Bresnick

The healthcare industry is known for its overreliance on snappy-sounding buzzwords – and perhaps even more infamous for ever-so-slightly misusing them.  In the clinical environment, the...

Understanding the Many V’s of Healthcare Big Data Analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

Extracting actionable insights from big data analytics – and perhaps especially healthcare big data analytics – is one of the most complex challenges that organizations can face in the...

HIM Pros Must Shift from Coding to Health Informatics, Analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

The health information management (HIM) profession is in the middle of a seismic shift as healthcare informatics and big data analytics become increasingly prized skills across the...