Business Intelligence

Analytics, EHR vendors partner to bring data to point of care

by Jennifer Bresnick

One of the chief complaints of healthcare organizations is that developing an IT infrastructure robust enough to perform meaningful analytics and streamlined quality reporting is simply too expensive in...

Healthcare sees big potential for big data, analytics in 2014

by Jennifer Bresnick

Hidden amidst the grumbling about federal mandates, the trepidation surrounding the ACA and ICD-10, the anxiety over financial sustainability, and the concern about how technology will impact patient...

Healthcare analytics, big data, NLP markets set for growth

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare may be lagging behind other industries in its analytics capabilities, but it won’t be doing so for long if a series of market reports accurately predict the next few years in health IT. ...

Carolinas HealthCare System launches full analytics suite

by Jennifer Bresnick

Carolinas HealthCare System in Charlotte, NC is positioning itself as a leader in the analytics field after announcing the successful development of a full suite of clinical and financial analytics...

58% of hospitals have population health goals in sight

by Jennifer Bresnick

Hospitals are moving ahead with population health management initiatives and preparations for value-based payments, according to a new survey of 541 hospitals by The Governance Institute.  Nearly 60%...

New law would increase access to Medicare data for analytics

by Jennifer Bresnick

Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) and John Thune (R-SD) have introduced a new bill to make Medicare data more transparent, allowing researchers, health plans, and providers to gain better insight into...

Three reasons to be thankful for healthcare analytics this year

by Jennifer Bresnick

As the nights draw in and the pantry starts filling up with boxes of stuffing mix, cans of cranberry sauce, and disposable roasting pans, people start thinking about only one thing.  Christmas...

HIMSS unveils DELTA score for healthcare analytics maturity

by Jennifer Bresnick

The widely cited statistic that only the top 5% of hospitals have a robust data analytics infrastructure will be tested with a thorough assessment and a new maturity score released by HIMSS Analytics...

Can cost clarity marry revenue analytics and accountable care?

by Jennifer Bresnick

In healthcare, as in burger chains across the country, “bigger is better” is a credo that rings true in more ways than one.  And like those burger chains, hospitals sometimes feel that...

Quality-based payment adjustments pile up for hospitals

by Jennifer Bresnick

CMS is getting serious about using financial penalties to nudge hospitals towards higher quality of care with a slew of payment adjustments starting to pile up in the next few years.  Hospitals...

For healthcare analytics, big data needs to be smart data: Q&A

by Jennifer Bresnick

To many healthcare organizations, big data looks like an all-you-can-eat buffet.  On the first go, they try to pile as much as they can on their plates, only picking through the bounty when they get...

CMS makes healthcare analytics easier with new data tools

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare data analytics will be getting a whole lot easier for researchers interested in Medicare and Medicaid information with the launch of the Virtual Research Data Center (VRDC), CMS announced at...

Is healthcare ready to get SMAC-ed around?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Social, mobile, analytics, cloud.  To the delight of pun-loving media, SMAC has become a cute shorthand way of saying what we’re all thinking: the four horsemen of the digital revolution are here to...

Hospital quality report cards present conflicts, opportunities

by Jennifer Bresnick

Since the halcyon days of the kindergarten classroom, children are trained to strive for those shiny gold stars on their report cards, and they learn to trust these assessments as the ultimate measure...

Hospitals turn to integration for analytics, population health

by Jennifer Bresnick

As healthcare reform trundles onward, marrying improved technology systems with better data and a focus on accountability, health systems have been forced to take a closer look at how they do business,...

Cloud, predictive analytics helping healthcare inside and out

by Jennifer Bresnick

Cloud-based predictive analytics is helping healthcare organizations identify patient-facing clinical shortcomings while also helping to evaluate internal staffing processes, revenue opportunities, and...

ICD-10 National Pilot highlights data quality issues

by Jennifer Bresnick

The ICD-10 National Pilot Program, conducted by HIMSS and WEDI between 2012 and 2013, was supposed to identify the major trouble spots facing the industry as the mandated conversion date of October 1,...

Will better analytics drive payers to drop trouble providers?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Nearly 100 providers in Rhode Island have a big problem on their hands.  UnitedHealthcare of New England has decided to eliminate dozens of physicians from the payer’s Medicare Advantage offerings,...

In healthcare analytics, real-time data tops the wish list

by Jennifer Bresnick

What will most hospital executives be asking for this Christmas?  Influenza for the auditors, extra arms for the physicians, and a comprehensive, real-time data analytics dashboard that can synthesize...

Health IT vendors cash in with analytics, revenue solutions

by Jennifer Bresnick

Data analytics and revenue cycle management products are driving continued growth in the health IT market as providers seek technology-enabled methods of managing the enormous influx of information...